Thom's blog
How Do You Have Freedom If You Don’t Have Healthcare?
 Unless it's replaced with something better - like single-payer - repealing Obamacare will make life miserable for millions of Americans. If Republicans get their way and scrap the healthcare law that is now more popular than ever - these millions of Americans will once again be at the mercy of the insurance companies who see our bodies and our health as nothing more than profit-engines for their shareholders. This apparently, is Speaker of the House Paul Ryan's idea of freedom. As Ryan put it in a recent tweet, "Freedom is the ability to buy what you want to fit what you need. Obamacare is Washington telling you what to buy regardless of your needs." Which is really weird, because having the ability to buy anything you want isn't generally called "freedom" - it's usually referred to as "wealth". In fact, when it comes to healthcare - the government is the ONLY thing that can make us free. -Thom (What do you think? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 10:30pm... GOP Wants To Treat Protesters Just Like Terrorists (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)
The Big Picture: GOP Wants To Treat Protesters Just Like Terrorists
Big Picture Interview: White House Blocks The Press - Richard Eskow, The Zero Hour/Campaign for America's Future 
Big Picture Panel: The Coming Crackdown on Pot - Janaya Khan, Black Lives Matter-Canada/Gender Justice L.A.  - Dave McCulloch, Capitol Media Partners 
Big Picture Fact: Same Sex Marriage Reduces Teen Suicide |
Friday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Voters Disagree With Republicans On Key Issues
Article: " Tommy Douglas" (father of Canadian Healthcare) by Wikipedia.
Hour Two: Geeky Science and Anything Goes
Anything Goes!
Monday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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Thom's Poll
At What Point Do Trump Supporters Feel Betrayed?
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Has Big Oil Staged A Coup Of Our Government?
Privatization & Water Don't Mix
How Do You Have Freedom If You Don’t Have Healthcare?
Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
GOP is Wrong…Without Your Health, You Have No Freedom
On tonight’s Big Picture, Thom talks to Scottie Nell Hughes of and Linda Benesch of Social Security Works about Paul Ryan’s claim that repealing Obamacare will lead to “freedom” and the GOP’s fight against voting rights. Then, Thom discusses EPA administrator Scott Pruitt’s ties to the fossil fuel industry and where the Dakota Access pipeline movement goes from here with Farron Cousins of Ring of Fire Radio.
The Prevalence and Peculiarity of American Gun Culture (w/Guest: Howard Epstein)
Getting Kids Involved In Politics Early?
War: James Madison Dire Warning to Republican Playbook
Send Chicken Feed to Your Chicken Republican Congressman?
Trump Is Here to Protect Programs, Really?