How Do We End the War In Afghanistan?

Is Donald Trump aiming for victory in Afghanistan - or permanent military occupation?

Last week Donald Trump announced what he said was a major shift in US policy towards Afghanistan.

His plan is short on details, but it will almost certainly involve sending thousands more American troops to fight in an occupation that is now well into its 16th year.

The new strategy - he said - won't be nation-building - but "fighting to win" and "killing terrorists.'

National Security HR McMaster summarized this strategy during a White House press conference:

"Winning in Afghanistan is really aimed at allowing Afghanistan to be Afghanistan. As the president said, not to nation-build, not to create a state in the U.S. image."

To me, that sounds less like a strategy for victory than a justification for a permanent occupation.

Trump - of course - says his administration's strategy will lead to victory in Afghanistan.

But is real victory even possible at this point?

Or - to borrow a phrase from George W. Bush - is it time to cut and run?


Legend 7 years 2 days ago

It is way past time to leave. Bush sent troops to Afghanistan to capture Bin Ladin after 9/11. Afghanistan had offered to arrest him and send him to another country but that was not enough for Bush. Our special Forces literally took over the country in a couple of weeks but missed Bin Ladin at Tora Bora. We should have pulled out then and redeployed if Bin Ladin resurfaced. But Bush changed the mission to "Bring Democracy to the Middle East". We have been there ever since, thinking that somehow we are going to change the way that they think. If we had pulled out Bin Ladin would have probably resurfaced a lot sooner. We spend more in a few days than the country is worth. We spend a fortune sending troops and supplies to the far side of the world. We should have learned the lesson from Vietnam.

twelter001's picture
twelter001 7 years 2 days ago

gee Tom, where is the issue? 45 lies about EVERY THING. we need to shut down the press about this idiot and anything connected to him. who really cares what a liar says?

wigsalon's picture
wigsalon 7 years 2 days ago

So we never belonged there to begin with. The militia peddles the idea that it was a breeding ground for terrorists. But terrorists can be bred anywhere, even here. I hate to admit Trump had this eight, somewhere back in time. But he did. Of course, he has no spine or courage of convictions. It's all just sound bytes to him. But hebonce uttered one thing that was right. I'll give him that.

wigsalon's picture
wigsalon 7 years 2 days ago

So we never belonged there to begin with. The militia peddles the idea that it was a breeding ground for terrorists. But terrorists can be bred anywhere, even here. I hate to admit Trump had this eight, somewhere back in time. But he did. Of course, he has no spine or courage of convictions. It's all just sound bytes to him. But hebonce uttered one thing that was right. I'll give him that.

wigsalon's picture
wigsalon 7 years 2 days ago

So we never belonged there to begin with. The militia peddles the idea that it was a breeding ground for terrorists. But terrorists can be bred anywhere, even here. I hate to admit Trump had this eight, somewhere back in time. But he did. Of course, he has no spine or courage of convictions. It's all just sound bytes to him. But hebonce uttered one thing that was right. I'll give him that.

wigsalon's picture
wigsalon 7 years 2 days ago

So we never belonged there to begin with. The militia peddles the idea that it was a breeding ground for terrorists. But terrorists can be bred anywhere, even here. I hate to admit Trump had this right, somewhere back in time. But he did. Of course, he has no spine or courage of convictions. It's all just sound bytes to him. But he once uttered one thing that was right. I'll give him that.

goducks's picture
goducks 7 years 2 days ago

There is no plan. Thats why he said what he said. They have no clue how to fully withdraw without leaving Afgans vulnerable. The U.S is so inbedded in the region that there's virtually no chance of ever leaving. I don't know what it would take for a 100% pullout, but I know one thing for sure. Trump has no clue either.

Outback 7 years 2 days ago

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What is it we were expecting? This country, the USA, has a long history of getting into everybody's face, grabbing their land and resources, and advancing our agenda. It's only gotten worse since the 1950's. This is not a democracy. As has been pointed out here, countless times, it's a republic, headed by some of the most ruthless bastards ever to walk the earth. Money talks, and more here than anywhere else. A great majority of Americans have wanted us out of the Middle East for almost as long as we've been terrorizing that region, but it's a pointless sentiment as long as we, collectively, consent to being governed by a class of professional politicians totally in thrall to the "moneyed elite". There are two political parties in this country each promoting the same agenda. The rhetoric varies, but at the bottom line the result is and will remain identical: "we are the "essential nation" and will have our way with you. Period." It's time for things to change. If we don't affect that change we will be responsible for the destruction of the planet and every life form on it.

Riverplunge's picture
Riverplunge 7 years 2 days ago

George got us in and there is no way out without chaos spreading. Get used to paying for a money-pit war.

tylf's picture
tylf 7 years 2 days ago

Trump's justification for US troops in Afganistan is that if we leave, it will create a vacuum which will be filled by ISIS. Seems to me that's a perfect opportunity for wiping out ISIS. They're all in one spot so a couple of bombs will do the trick.


2950-10K's picture
2950-10K 7 years 2 days ago

Off topic, but I need to say this. Diane's later comment in yesterday's blog precisely proved my point about citizens not knowing the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. In her post she attacks a group of citizens who are standing up against the obvious evil of fascism/racism.

There is no subjectivity or grey area about good and evil here..anti fascist citizens standing up to those who openly profess to be racsist and fascist is a patriotic duty we all need to participate in. I'm sure many Germans from the 1930's wished that they had pushed back like this too. The extreme brainwashing by right-wing media of citizens like Diane has lead us down the hellish path we're currently on in this country...she's just an average example of those who got Trump elected.

2950-10K's picture
2950-10K 7 years 2 days ago

In a largely unregulated Capitalistic/Fascist society, money is power, and the military industrial spy complex has that power. Endless war massively enriches a few like the Dick Cheneys at the expense and death of the many.

The Declaration of Independence instructs us on what we need to do: " Governments are instituted among men and women, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomed destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to abolish it."

changeX's picture
changeX 7 years 1 day ago

Winning anything seems like something that happens suddenly.

Losing seems like what happens when you slash PPACA advertising by 90%.

Poet Of The Gate's picture
Poet Of The Gate 7 years 1 day ago

The Romans, now they were good imperialists. So too we're the British for a time. We Americans-not so much. We are like the half pit bull, half collie dog. We tear off the victims leg then run to get help. This worked after WW2 with Germany and Japan when our intentions were altruistic. It hasn't worked since then because our intentions are not. Listen to Paul Simon's anthem American Tune.

deepspace's picture
deepspace 7 years 7 hours ago

"Is it time to cut and run?"

Hell no! We're just warming up! Giving up now would threaten to reverse decades of bipartisan effort to keep the empire on a permanent war footing, as soulless oligarchs get mind-boggling rich fouling the planet with ever-escalating war machinery and the smothering stench of spilt blood and burnt oil.

And to all you phony Christianists, godspeed: Cling to your guns and bibles; wrap yourselves in the flag; stick your scared little pin-heads in the Fux News sand and don't worry about outside reality -- GODah (and his orange buffoon) will make America white again!

"America First ...MF-ers!"

VillaLS's picture
VillaLS 7 years 5 hours ago

To me it is simple - the rights to mine the minerals

changeX's picture
changeX 6 years 52 weeks ago

Finnish law currently requires transgender people to be sterilized.... blah this is despicable - but there are so many other places more so. What benefit does this really have to Finnish society besides humiliating the innocent?

It does not make anyone more of a man to go along with this rubbishsick twisted law punishing the less fortnate.

Perhaps war mongers and war profiteers might reconsider if this was something they had to consider.

Legend 6 years 51 weeks ago

Off subject: Fires in the west are at record conditions. San Francisco a couple of days ago hit record 105 and San Jose hit record 115. These are way above previous records. Denver yesterday hit a record 97. Smoke in Colorado this morning is the worse I have ever seen it in 60+ years. Thick. News has warnings for sensitive groups to stay indoors.

Dianereynolds's picture
Dianereynolds 6 years 51 weeks ago

@ #19

This never happened. By all your previous postings, Fox is all fake news all the time.

Outback 6 years 51 weeks ago

Legend: Same conditions here in North Idaho. Much smoke from surrounding fires. Record number of days w/o measurable precip. 90's temperatures persist into September (haven't seen that in my 40 years in this area). Downright frightening, as I live on wooded acreage!

Legend 6 years 51 weeks ago

Diane in post #20. Thank you for noticing the Fox News link. I could of posted dozens of other links. Chose the Fox News link because if they are reporting it, it is kind of like hitting you with a baseball bat in the head and you still do not believe that it has anything to do with man (or in your case ((I think)) women) changing the climate.

Here, take your choice of links

Records changed by 10 to 15 degrees in not normal. 1 or 2 degrees is more normal.

Smoke was bad all day. I mean really bad. Have never seen it this bad.

Sorry about going off of Subject.

synergos's picture
synergos 6 years 49 weeks ago

We will be in Afghanistan for the next 50 years at a minimum.

1. Strategic Military location

2. Billions of Dollars made from Opium Crop

3. Potential profits from Minerals

War on terror & "Winning" are nothing but distractions to keep most people from knowing the real facts.

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