Biden has been noncommittal for most of this year, saying there were many factors he needed to weigh before deciding whether to jump into the 2016 race

After months of agonizing, closed-door discussions and teasing the media, Vice President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he will not run for president. He hinted in his announcement that he no longer had enough time to raise enough money to compete against the Democratic front-runner, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has amassed a large…


Steven.PBarrett 8 years 45 weeks ago

qI just got through watching the first moments of Lawrence O'Donnell's "The Last Word" and he more or less started off with a group of fellow (otherwise very reliable contributors, i.e. Steele, Dionne, e/a) and the gist of their treatment of Bernie Sanders' reaction to Joe Biden's decision not to run was a big silence from Sanders ... when in fact that was hardly the case.

Bernie was the first one to extend his best wishes to VP Biden and his family. That he wants to employ a more revolutionary approach towards our problems is no direct criticism or statement/sentiment worthy of deliberately taking out of context to purposely make the Vermont Senator look unneccessarily stubborn, if not curmodgeonly against the backdrop of Biden demonstrating his loyalty to President Obama. I'm sure Joe Biden understood where Bernie was coming from and even Clinton. That's the nature of politics. Besides, it was never Joe Biden's fault that Eric Holder lasted lasted well too long as AG and accomplished far less when it came to putting the fear of God and Uncle Sam into Wall St. in five years plus compared to what little time it took his immediate successor Loretta Lynch to accomplish in a few weeks.

So it's come to this? Bernie's best shot rests upon Trey Gowdy's success in terms of making sure his fellow Republican "Benghazi investigating cmte" members will be on their best behavior and all of 'em keep their tempers in check so they won't pull on Mrs. Clinton what the Chaffetz mugging of Planned Parenthood's Pres. Richards a month ago did for her and PPF. If the GOP goes overboard, they'll only make Clinton's star rise even higher and as well, the bar for Bernie to catch up to just to pull even again.

To think it's come to this so fast after so much has been gained, and Bernie's not responsible for it. Thank you GOP. Thank you MSNBC and thank you 4th estate in general. After all, it's no big secret who owns Big Media. Something even bigger: Wall Street.

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