Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds - Kumi Naidoo. Part 1.

For Conversations with Great Minds - Thom Hartmann speaks with Kumi Naidoo - a human rights activist - environmentalist - and Rhodes scholar who now serves as the International Executive Director of Greenpeace.

Full Show - 2/24/11. Day 9 in Wisconsin Budget Battle, Army Psy-Ops.

Thom talks with Bill Scher from the Campaign for America's Future and Zaid Jilani from ThinkProgress.org about the latest in the Wisconsin union battle. Then, Thom debates with conservative commentator TJ McCormack on whether or not budget cuts are putting lives at risk. Later, Thom digs into the latest news that the Army tried to use mind control against US Senators to get more funding for the Afghan War with Stephen Walt from Foreign Policy Magazine. And then, Thom looks into some crazy prospective laws out of Tennessee and Georgia. Bill Keller from Bill Keller ministries weighs in on Tennessee making a law against Sharia law and Sam Bennett from The Women's Campaign Forum discusses a Georgia bill that would force women to prove their miscarriages happened naturally, or face felony charges. And finally, a Daily Take on how paying more at the pump may actually be good for the United States.

Thom Hartmann vs. TJ McCormack - Are budget cuts are worth a few deaths?

Two kids died in a fire in Philadelphia. Should taxes go up instead of cutbacks? Thom Hartmann and TJ McCormack, Conservative Commentator, debate this issue.

Full Show - 2/23/11. Governor Scott Walker is punked

On The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann, Governor Scott Walker is punked. The GOP Governor had a twenty minute phone call with billionaire David Koch, or so he thought. The man on the call was Ian Murphy, Editor at the Buffalo Beast and he spoke with Thom about the call. Thom also talked with Lee Fang from ThinkProgress.org about Koch Industries and how they would benefit if the anti-union bill in Wisconsin actually becomes law. President Obama's Justice Department reversed a 15 year old policy of supporting the Defense of Marriage Act today, a federal law that outlaws gay marriage. What does this mean for gay marriage in the US and will the gay marriage issue again play out in the 2012 Presidential Election? Thom debated on Seton Motley, the President of Less Government about gay marriage.

Thom Hartmann: Nailin Palin and Punking Scott Walker

Buffalo Beast's Ian Murphy prank-called Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker pretending to be billionaire conservative David Koch and Walker laid out his strategy for ending a standoff with Senate Democrats.

Thom Hartmann: The new Parent Trigger Law - is it a ruse for Charter Schools?

Will the Compton Parents use the new 'Trigger Law' to demand a Charter School with Linda Serrato, Communications Manager, Parent Revolution.

Full Show - 2/22/11. Wisconsin Protests, Future of the Unions in US

We focus on the Wisconsin Protests. More information is starting to leak out about who's behind the efforts to squash unions, here's a hint it involves the Koch Brothers. Thom talks with Adele Stan, Washington Bureau Chief at Alternet and Alex Seitz-Wald, Reporter and Blogger at Think Progress. Also the protests over busting unions is spreading. Thom discussed how union workers and their supporters are spreading out across the US targeting politicians who want to take away collective bargaining rights. Thom spoke with Brad Johnson from ThinkProgress.org. And what does the future hold for unions here in the US? Over the last two decades union membership has declined significantly across the country, but can this power grab by the GOP actually spur an increase in union members? Thom talks with with Mattie Corrao, the Government Affairs Manager at Americans for Tax Reform.

Thom Hartmann: Tear Down this Myth

Our nation's history of great President's from George Washington to Thomas Jefferson to Abraham Lincoln to Franklin Delano Roosevelt to John F. Kennedy - all of them overshadowed by one man who tragically began the destruction of America's middle class and dismantled America's greatness - Ronald Reagan.

Thom Hartmann: Government Shutdown looks the same as the GOP agenda

Thom Hartmann explains what happens when the government shuts down.

Thom Hartmann: In Madison - Democracy is at stake here and America may never recover

In Madison WI the two Party system is being eaten by billionaires and this time the billionaires are making sure the workers will never resurface with political power. If they win, the 2-party system becomes a charade.

Full Show - 2/21/11. Wisconsin Governor Refuses To Budge

On the seventh straight day of labor protests in Madison, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker promises to move forward with legislation to cut state workers' pay and limit their collective bargaining rights. Thom talks to Andy Kroll, Associate Editor at Mother Jones Magazine and Lee Fong, Reporter and Blogger at ThinkProgress.org. Then Thom debates Matt Boyle, Reporter with the Daily Caller about teachers pay versus mega corporate dollars. Plus learn about the real myths about Ronald Reagan, America's Greatest President?

Full Show - 2/18/11. The Big Picture Rumble

In the Big Picture Rumble Thom is joined by TJ McCormack, conservative commentator, Joe "The Black Eagle" Madison, host of The Joe Madison Show and Seton Motley, President of Less Government. In this show Thom and the panel of commentators tackle the ongoing labor strikes in Wisconsin, Obama's budget battle with the GOP and Joe the Plumber's latest quest.

Thom Hartmann, regarding Madison, demands, "Who said that?"

The Republican want to stop people from organizing, because the last large group that can turn out Democratic voters - both with money and with shoe-leather, going door to door - is organized labor. And if you can block the poor and urban and old from voting, and destroy the last organization that can turn out Democratic voters - then you can have single-party rule.

Full Show - 2/17/11. Wisconsin Protests Growing Louder

For a third straight day, tens of thousands of Wisconsin state workers are waging an all out battle with Governor Scott Walker and his anti-union bill. Thom talks to a panel of experts about the growing assault on unions, public employees and the middle class. Then Thom talks to Republican Congressman Steve King about the GOP's effort to derail and defund Obamacare. Then violent protests in Bahrain turn deadly. Adel Iskandar, Media and Communication scholar at Georgetown University, explains the difference between protests in Arab and Sunni countries and the impact on its people.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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