Thom Hartmann calls out Montana for declaring Global Warming beneficial

Thom Hartmann talks about the Montana legislator introducing a bill to declare global warming 'natural' and 'beneficial'.

Thom Hartmann vs Rep. Steve King - aren't you embarrassed for America?

Thom Hartmann talks to Rep. Steve King (R-IA) about healthcare, Obamacare, and the Government shutting down.

Full Show - 2/16/11. Is the US headed for a government shutdown?

If Congress and the White House fail to come up with a budget deal, the US could face a government shutdown next month. Thom talks to Democratic Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky about what a government shutdown could mean for the nation. Then Republican Congressman Peter King is going after Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Thom explains how King's proposed Shield Act could also go after investigative journalists. Plus tens of thousands of state workers have descended upon the capital of Wisconsin demanding workers' rights be upheld. AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler discusses the progress of these labor strikes.

Thom Hartmann: Madoff wasn't the only thief - time to put Banksters in jail

Bernie Madoff in his first interview since his arrest in 2008, is pointing fingers at the banks and financial institutions he did business with, saying they were "complicit"

Full Show - 2/15/11. US leaders helping or hurting the Mideast uprising?

Iranian lawmakers call for the execution of Opposition leaders protesting in Tehran. Is the US meddling in their affairs? Thom talks to Columnist Omid Memarian about the delicate situation in Iran. Then a fiery debate over the use of the National Guards by some Republican Governors to intimidate public employees and their unions. Need better health insurance? One woman discovered major loopholes in America's health coverage and created a website to explain it. Let's just say it all begins at the altar! And a touching letter from a 99er who has given up on the American dream.

Thom Hartmann confronts card carrying Conservative Muslim if he infiltrated CPAC?

Pamela Geller claims CPAC is compromised by Muslim Brotherhood activists. Thom Hartmann discusses the story with Suhail A. Khan, Board Member of American Conservative Union.

Thom Hartmann deploys the guard on Seton over union busting in Wisconsin

Should or can the national guard be deployed to as an "intimidation force" against worker's unions?Thom Hartmann tolks to Seton Motley, the president with "Less Government" ( www.lessgovernment.org)

Full Show - 2/14/11. Obama's Painful Budget Cuts

President Obama released his $3.7 billion dollar budget proposal. Thom discusses how Obama's budget will serve as a clear alternative to the Draconian cuts the GOP is proposing. And now that the Mubarak regime has been de-commissioned in Egypt, can that country's Army deliver civil authority to its people? Plus similar demonstrations are taking place in other Arab countries including Iran. See what tens of thousands of protesters in Tehran are demanding. Then the Governor of Wisconsin has made it clear he doesn't represent state workers. Find out why Governor Scott Walker is threatening to send in the National Guard against his own public employees. And yet another country where former US President George W. Bush could end up in handcuffs.

Thom Hartman: Is Governor Walker the new Hosni Mubarak of Wisconsin?

WI Gov. Walker says he will set national guard on state workers if there is "unrest". Thom Hartmann is joined by Steve Kreisberg, Associate Director of Research-AFSCME to discuss the story.

Thom Hartmann: Obama budget vs. GOP budget

Thom Hartmann talks to Michael Linden, the Center for American Progress, about the GOP and Obama's budget.

Full Show - 2/11/11. Conversations with Great Minds with Robert Greenwald, the Big Picture Rumble.

In Conversation with Great Minds Thom Hartmann talks to film director and political activist, Robert Greenwald. In Big Picture Rumble Thom is joined by Jane Hamsher, the founder of Firedoglake.com, Alan Nathan, the host of "Battle line with Alan Nathan" and Tony Katz, the radio host of "The Tony Katz Radio Spectacular".

Conversations with Great Minds - Robert Greenwald, Part 2. Exposing Fox News.

Thom Hartmann talks to film director and political activist, Robert Greenwald noted in the 2000s for his documentaries critical of Fox News, war and the health industry. "Sick for Profit" and "Rethink Afghanistan" are his two recent films.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

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