Conversations with Great Minds - Robert Greenwald, Part 1. Impact of Egypt.

Thom Hartmann talks to film director and political activist, Robert Greenwald noted in the 2000s for his documentaries critical of Fox News, war and the health industry. "Sick for Profit" and "Rethink Afghanistan" are his two recent films.

Full Show - 2/10/11. Mubarak Remains Defiant in Egypt, a Progressive's Day at CPAC

A panel of experts analyzes an eventful day in Egypt with rumors of Hosni Mubarak stepping down turning out to be false. Then, Rep. Blumenauer (D-OR) joins Thom in the studio to discuss legislation to end government subsidies for Big Oil. And an energy policy expert tells Thom why President Obama is making a mistake by supporting cuts to energy assistance programs for the working poor. Lee Fang from ThinkProgress.org breaks a story about the US Chamber of Commerce's secret plan to sabotage progressive activist groups. Then, Thom shares moments from his day at CPAC 2011. And finally, a Daily Take on the true power of an informed citizenry.

Thom Hartmann: What happened to a lone liberal at CPAC radio row?

Thom Hartmann debates Richard Dreyfuss, Roger Simon and "be afraid of Muslims conservatives," etc.

Thom Hartmann: How the US Chamber secretly smeared opponents

Lee Fang, Reporter/Blogger for Think Progress.org exposes the US Chamber's lobbyists hiring hackers to sabotage unions, and smear the Chamber's political opponents.

Rep Earl Blumenauer talks to Thom Hartmann on cuts to Big Oil

Congressman Earl Blumenauer talks to Thom Hartmann about ending subsidies for Big Oil.

Full Show - 2/9/11. Egypt in Crisis, Darryl Issa Takes Direction from Lobbyists, High Speed Derail?

Thom hears from experts on the latest events unfolding in Egypt and about why the Obama administration may be erring on the wrong side of history. Then, a former transportation secretary joins Thom in the studio to offer her take on why President Obama's plan to invest more than $50 billion in developing a high-speed rail system in the United States may be a waste of time and money. Then, Seton Motley tries to convince Thom that lobbyists writing the agenda on Capitol Hill is not a bad thing! And finally, Thom tells us why we might stand to learn a thing or two from the British "UK Uncut" movement.

Thom Hartmann on Darell Issa's wish list for lobbyists

Thom Hartmann talks about how more than half of the responses to Issa's job creation survey came from lobbyists with Seton Motley, President with "Less Government".

Thom Hartmann gives the keynote to CPAC

Thom Hartmann's daily take.

Thom Hartmann untangles the perverted history of guns

Thom Hartmann claims the 2nd Amendment as been perverted by the NRA and gun advocates.

Thom Hartmann pulls a gun on state militias

Montana GOP Lawmaker wants to create official state militia. Thom Hartmann talks with Curtis Sliwa, founder of Guardian Angels.

Full Show - 2/8/11. Death of the Patriot Act, State Militias and the Second Amendment.

Thom asks Ryan Radia from the Competitive Enterprise Institute why conservatives suddenly seem to be turning against the Patriot Act. Then, Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA) and Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD) join Thom in the studio to talk about the economy and a new bill to help people who are about to lose their unemployment benefits after 99 weeks. Later, Thom debates Curtis Sliwa about the effectiveness of armed state militias in curbing violence across the United States and offers his take on the true meaning of the Second Amendment. And finally, Thom gives his version of the CPAC 2011 keynote address and pleads with the GOP to take back their party in the Daily Take.

Full Show - 2/7/11. Taliban's ties with Al Qaeda, Obama vs US Chamber of Commerce

Congressman Dennis Kucinich talks to Thom on NYU Report on the Taliban's ties With Al Qaeda and the treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning. Will the US Chamber work with Obama or double down for secret corporate backers? Egypt Vice President changing stripes.

Berlusconi Nudie Pics?

Thom Hartmann's crazy alert.

Obama vs US Chamber of Commerce

Who is running whom? Will the US Chamber of Commerce work with Obama or double down for secret corporate backers?

Is treatment of Manning 'Cruel and Unusual'?‎

Congressman Dennis Kucinich talks to Thom on NYU Report on the Taliban's ties With Al Qaeda and the treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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