The Big Picture Rumble, Part 2

Jamie Weinstein, the deputy editor for "The Daily Caller", Erikka Knuti, democratic strategist and Seton Motley, the president with "Less Government" join Thom to discuss Egypt, guns, Sarah Palin and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Big Picture Rumble, Part 1

In the Big Picture Rumble Jamie Weinstein, the deputy editor for "The Daily Caller", Erikka Knuti, democratic strategist and Seton Motley, the president with "Less Government" join Thom to discuss Egypt, guns, Sarah Palin and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Conversations with Great Minds with Dean Baker, Part 2

Progressive Economics Dean Baker is an economist and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.

Conversations with Great Minds with Dean Baker, Part 1

Dean Baker is an economist and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.

Full Show - 2/4/11. Conversations with Dean Baker, the Big Picture Rumble

Today, in Conversations with Great Minds Thom Hartmann talks with Dean Baker, economist and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. In the Big Picture Rumble Jamie Weinstein, Erikka Knuti and Seton Motley join Thom to discuss Egypt, Obama and healthcare reform.

Would you sleep with Boehner for $350000?

It's being alleged by The National Enquirer that John Boehner has a sex scandal brewing with two different women. One is a lobbyist.

Full Show - 2/3/11. Egypt Mubarak Regime, Buying your Politician, Voter Intimidation

Today Thom takes a closer look at the growing crisis in Egypt. First, Thom talks with Professor Stephen Zunes about how Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has remained in power for over 30 years. Then, Thom debates with Seton Motley about whether or not a well-armed citizenry is really necessary to overthrow a government, and is the Second Amendment still relevant? Also, Thom talks to TPM Reporter Ryan Reilly about an alleged case of voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party.

Full Show - 2/2/11. Latest from Egypt, Issa Deregulation, Legacy of Reagan

Today Thom talks to reporter Graeme Wood from Egypt about the latest developments in the continuing crisis there. Then, Thom sits down with Matt Duss and Robert Naiman to discuss what options Egypt has moving forward. Also, Thom talks about how Republican Congressman (and small-time crook) Darrell Issa wants to eliminate some of the most beneficial government regulations in effect, like the EPA, hydraulic fracking regulations, and flammability tests for children's mattresses. Finally, as we approach the 100th birthday of Ronald Reagan, Thom talks with Robert Borosage about what his legacy means today and why President Obama may be taking hints from The Great Communicator.

Fox News' October Surprise

Thom Hartmann's daily take.

Lobbyist's hit list

Business Lobbyists are demanding Rep. Darrell Issa launch go after important environmental and financial regulations.

Full Show - 2/1/11. Egypt Uprising, Heathcare Ruling, GOP Abortion

Today Thom welcomes Congressman Dennis Kucinich to discuss the uprising in Egypt as well as a decision by a Florida judge to declare the Obama Healthcare bill unconstitutional. Then, Thom welcomes Igor Volsky and Ken Klukowski to discuss the judicial decision regarding healthcare. Finally, the GOP wants to rewrite the rules on abortion, a move that could negatively affect rape victims. Thom talks to Sam Bennett and TJ McCormack about this issue.

Thom Hartmann and Ken Klukowski duke it out on judicial activism

Tea Party Judge Roger Vinson 'Borrows Heavily' from Family Research Council to invalidate health law. Thom Hartmann talks with Ken Klukowski, attorney and senior analyst with American Civil Rights Union.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to hartmannreport.com - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

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