Attractive woman seeks well-endowed corporation for marriage

Woman wants to marry a corporation to protest pro-business Supreme Court ruling. Thom Hartmann talks with Sarah "Echo" Steiner, Green Party, Broward County, FL

Call the White House to save Social security!

Obama's social security talk is turning voters off, pollsters say. Thom Hartmann's daily take.

Full Show - 1/20/11. Government Bribery, Tax Reparations for the Rich, Citizens United

Who are the Republicans turning to when it comes to major decisions about climate change? Big oil! Thom discusses how the Citizens United decision opened the floodgates of corporate funding into US politics and how its eating away at our competitiveness on the world stage. Then, Thom talks with Ayn Rand Institute analyst Don Watkins about whether or not the wealthiest Americans should get tax reparations. Finally, as the anniversary of the Citizens United decision approaches, Thom talks about the effects on our society of treating corporations as people, and even talks with one woman who intends to marry a corporation.

Why ending healthcare could cause the end of civil rights?

Thom Hartmann on healthcare reform repeal.

Do you want airport security employed by Toys for Us?

Privatizing airport security will not rid us of TSA. Thom talks with Dr. Yaron Brook, President and Executive Director for Ayn Rand Institute.

Do Bees do a better Democracy than us?

Bee Bonanza: from hive politics to beekeeping. Thom talks with Dr. Thomas Seeley, biologist from Cornell University.

Banksters have now scored heroin of proprietary trading

Thom Hartmann on bank's reaction to Wall Street reform going into effect.

Full Show 1/19/11. Healthcare Reform Repeal, Honeybee Democracy

Thom Hartmann analysis on why ending healthcare could cause the end of civil rights and why the Banksters have now scored the heroin of proprietary trading. Dr. Thomas Seeley, Biologist from Cornell University joins Thom to discuss honeybee democracy. And Thom Hartmann's daily take on US having outsourced economy, jobs and prosperity to China.

Full Show 1/17/11. Martin Luther King, Jr. Anniversary, US - China Trade, Don Siegelman Hearing

Today Thom talks to Russ Baker and Lamar Waldron about Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legacy, his advocacy against war, violence, and inequality, and what it means today. Then, as Chinese President Hu Jintao is scheduled to visit the US this week, Thom talks to Scott Paul about the ballooning trade deficit between China and the US Finally, Thom talks to Former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman about his efforts to appeal a guilty verdict after being indicted by George W. Bush's Justice Department.

Infanticide and War - bring them home!

Thom Hartmann's daily take.

Can Governor Don Siegelman stay out of jail?

Thom Hartmann talks with Don Siegelman, former Governor of Alabama (1999-2003) whose hearing is scheduled on January 19.

Confronting China over lost jobs and closed factories

Scott Paul, executive director of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, claims our trade deficit means lost jobs, closed factories, and a downward pressure on economic growth.

Full Show 1/14/11. Conversation with Neil Howe, Big Picture Rumble

In today's edition of Conversations with Great Minds, Thom talks with author Neil Howe about his book, The Fourth Turning, and about the cyclical nature of history. Then, Thom welcomes Sarah B. Smith, Bill Press, and Anne Trenolo for this week's Big Picture Rumble

Lone Wolf Theory

Thom Hartmann's daily take.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to hartmannreport.com - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

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