Thom's blog
Republicans - Read the Constitution!

Republican Congressman from Ohio Steve Chabot doesn’t know jack about the Constitution. Last week – the Congressman – fearing that tough questions asked of him may end up on YouTube – banned constituents from having cameras at his town hall meeting – even employing the police to confiscate recording devices from attendees. Now – the first circuit U.S Court of Appeals has ruled that citizens have a right to film government
At least one Republican has Gotten the Message

At least one Republican has gotten the message. Senator John Thune from South Dakota told a local newspaper that if he’s learned one thing during this August recess holding town hall meetings with constituents – it’s don’t cut Medicare and Social Security. Thune told the paper that that message is one that he’ll be taking back to Washington, DC. Of course – the rest of the Republican Party still doesn’t get it.
A “For the Rich, By the Rich” Economy

There’s more evidence of a widening wealth inequality gap in America thanks to 30-plus years of Reaganomics. According to The Atlantic magazine – two-thirds of all new income in America between 2002 and 2007 went to just the top 1% of Americans. That’s 2 out of every 3 dollars in America being sucked up by the richest of the rich.
Dick Cheney confirms he is a war criminal

Draft dodger Dick Cheney has a new book coming out. The man with no pulse is trying to set the record straight about his time in the White House as Vice President – and according to excerpts from the book entitled, “My Time” – which is set to be released next week – Cheney confirms what we all suspected – that he really is that evil. Cheney goes after former Secretary of State Colin Powell for opposing the Iraq War – then
Not all Billionaires are Created Equal

Maybe we should take a tip from France. The French government just introduced a new debt reduction package that includes a 3% income tax increase on people making more than $720,000 a year. But no one is screaming about class warfare in France today – that’s because it was the millionaires and billionaires themselves who asked for the tax increase. In an open letter – some of the wealthiest people in France wrote, “W
Why did the Virginia nuke plant, built on fault line, have its quake sensors removed?

The earths is still shaking along the east coast of the United States – after a 5.8 earthquake rocked the small town of Mineral, Virginia and reverberated through the nation’s capitol and several other states up and down the coast – from Georgia to New York. Today – schools and government building are closed in Washington, DC out of fear of after-shocks – and damage has been discovered at the National Cathedral and Washington Mo
Transnational corporations have a secret they don’t want you to know about

America’s biggest transnational corporations have a secret they don’t want you to know about. Arguing that they’ll create jobs in the United States if they just get massive tax breaks – many transnational corporations are refusing to release just how many jobs they have ALREADY created in the United States – and how many jobs they’ve created overseas - over fears that if the American people saw just how much outsourcing they’ve
The truth about tax cuts and outsourcing corporations don't want you to know...

“TARP” was just the tip of the iceberg in public funds going to the banksters

Homeowners in America are still screwed. As more records from the Federal Reserve go public – we’re learning that the 2008 bailout of Wall Street – known as “TARP” – was just the tip of the iceberg in public funds going to the banksters. In December of 2008 – the Fed secretly gave more than $1.2 trillion in virtually interest-free loans to big banks like Morgan Stanley – Citigroup – and Bank of America. That’s $1.2 t