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Is Rick Scott guilty of murder?
Florida Governor Rick Scott is now officially a killer, and Charlene Dill is one of his victims. Charlene Dill was a hardworking Florida woman, who moved down to Florida when she was just 18 years old. To help make ends meet, Charlene worked at various fast food restaurants, at Disney World, and even cleaned houses and babysat. As the years went by, Charlene found herself, as a single mother, struggling to raise 3 children. Last year, Charlene made just $11,000 cleaning houses and babysitting. She used that money to help put food on the table for her children, and to put a roof over their heads.
Then Charlene discovered she had a severe heart problems that needed to be managed. And she couldn't afford to get it treated right, because Charlene didn’t have health insurance. Charlene fell into what's called the “Red State Donut Hole,” created by Republican lawmakers like Rick Scott. It says that if you make over $5,400 and less than $11,400, you get no health insurance.
Below the $5,400, Charlene would have qualified for Florida's pretty pathetic Medicaid program. Over $11,400, she would have qualified for free health insurance under Obamacare because of the subsidies for low-income people. But because she only earned $11,000, she made too little to qualify for Obamacare, but too much to qualify for Florida Medicaid.
This isn't, of course, how the Obamacare law was written. But this giant Swiss Cheese hole was drilled into Obamacare by John Roberts, when the Supreme Court said that states could refuse to take federal money to pay to cover people who don't earn enough to qualify for insurance subsidies but make more than state Medicaid programs will cover. It was into that hole that Charlene fell.
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 9pm... What God does Hobby Lobby pray to? (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Watch the video 'Last Hours' narrated by Thom Hartmann about the "time bomb" that is ticking underground, underwater and under ice… frozen methane that is now escaping and could trigger runaway climate change. www.lasthours.org
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Why we should oppose the Common Core Standards?- Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers 
Daily Take: Is Rick Scott guilty of murder?
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Hour Three: 3 Americans imprisoned in Iran are here- Shane Bauer  , Joshua Fattal  and Sarah Shourd  , A Sliver of Light 
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
Hour Two: Is Rick Scott guilty of murder?
The Hobby Lobby case heard at the Supreme Court- Shane Farnan, Talk Radio News Service 
Hour Three: Who in the Ukraine will benefit from an IMF bailout?- Stephen Cohen, The Nation Magazine 
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And, speaking of beliefs...do you believe in resurrection? I'll talk with Tyler Johnson, Founder of the Dead Raising Team...
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Should corporations be entitled to "religious freedom?”
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The EU Is 1 Big Scam & The Ukraine Is It's Next Victim...
Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
Full Show 3/24/14: Democratizing the Global Food Crisis
Thom discusses the economics of Ukraine joining the European Union with Economist and Professor Richard Wolff, when we'll hit the climate danger threshold with Climatologist Michael Mann and the "war" on drugs with Syndicated Columnist David Sirota. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom details how we need to put the control over food production back in the hands of the people.
Half of America Lives in Poverty!
The Oligarch Problem!
Did Lithium Ion Batteries Bring Down Flight 370?
The Thom Hartmann Program - March 24, 2014
Democratizing the Global Food Crisis...
Exposing Racial Microaggressions...
3 Americans imprisoned in Iran are here...
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