Beware of Hustlers On the Networks...

Thom plus logo People like the Koch brother's shill on MSNBC from Reason Magazine like to promote deregulation; for example, this morning he was talking about how deregulating methane is actually a good thing. But deregulation can be extremely dangerous. 500 million bees just died in Brazil over the last few months, because Bolsonaro deregulated pesticides in that country. Americans need to realize that the vast majority of the time when you hear right wingers like on MSNBC this morning talking about how wonderful deregulation is, they're simply hustling for more profits for industry and its billionaires, and more destruction for the environment and our planet.



tcluney's picture
tcluney 4 years 47 weeks ago

The 800 pound gorilla no network will dare speak about is the corporate state media. They have more influence, voice, capability to shape our country than our government. With greed/power being the central objective, our democracy doesn’t have a chance until we have a president that will resurrect the Fairness Doctrine. Ever since Presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton slowly gutted the Fairness Doctrine, our country’s oligarchs enjoyed polluting the airwaves with distortions and straight out lies to shape our government and fill their pockets.
If scientist can study the concept of creating dinosaurs from DNA, it’s time to dig up Teddy Roosevelt’s DNA to save our country.

deepspace's picture
deepspace 4 years 47 weeks ago

tcluney: "With greed/power being the central objective, our democracy doesn’t have a chance..."

That statement is a profound insight.

The love of money is destroying the planet. That's the hard truth. And all the twisted lies of the rich and powerful, who live in fear of losing their wealth and power, will not change the fundamental fact.

Their fear is the direct result of their greed; the more they gain, the more they fear to lose. This aspect of human psychology is not complicated, even though we try to make it so with endless analyses through the opaque lenses of religious, political, economic, philosophical, and personal biases.

Therefore, to change the direction of society, to survive the coming apocalypse of our own making, more and more individual members of our species must become deeply aware of such a destructive, anti-life dynamic until that acute awareness is harbored by a solid majority, who must then rise up and reject concentrated wealth and power.

Yet, a popular uprising against extreme wealth disparity -- the root of all evil -- is exactly what corporate media seeks most to suppress. It's the same struggle manifested throughout history; but now, we're running out of time.

SysBanana's picture
SysBanana 4 years 46 weeks ago


Yes, Thom, that is the latest excuse for doing nothing about the environment.

I'm finding it to be increasingly present everywhere in my conversations with people I meet both offlline and on. It's not always religion-based, either. (Although I suppose we could say very few of us who had any religious training in childhood ever rid ourselves of all of the subconscious leavings. We all know that the Abrahamic mores of whatever religious persuasion underlie much of the unconscious texture of American society.) Often, especially with the younger people I interact with, it's just plain depression, despair and overwhelm, incessantly whispering powerlessness in the back of peoples' minds.

After 28 years of shouting into the wind about the folly of what we've been doing to our natural world, to hear this from people now... I tell you, it makes me want to grind my teeth with frustration.

All the best to you, brother Thom. Keep up the good fight. I'm with you every day.

SysBanana's picture
SysBanana 4 years 46 weeks ago

Hear, hear... An accurate assessment.

deepspace's picture
deepspace 4 years 46 weeks ago

Keep shouting, SysBanana.

Back in the day, arrogant right-wing pissants tried to claim the high ground by referring to themselves as the "moral majority." So much for that false mantle ...that sad joke. To give up on Mother Earth in these critical times, either for false religion, a self-centered worldview, willful ignorance, personal gain, political expediency, or a combination thereof, is the height of immorality. And these obstinate, group-think Republican automatons are certainly not in the majority!

There is no sense in even listening to such inveterate liars spinning such ridiculous delusions. They are too far gone for constructive dialogue. They can only be ignored and outvoted. At this late date, the best advice for young people is to become informed by empirical facts and then vote. It's really simple; no matter what anybody says about anything in the sketchy world of political punditry, just vote!

And, bad press or not, the Democratic Party with all its flaws is still worth taking over. Consider the alternative.

It's time -- just barely! -- to reclaim the high ground and true moral majority.

SysBanana's picture
SysBanana 4 years 44 weeks ago


Roger wilco. Peace out.

P.S. Bog ponies definitely rule...

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From Cracking the Code:
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