Did Kushner Okay the Abduction of Khashoggi?

Thom plus logo Reporters for the Spectator are reporting that the House Intelligence Committee has seven different whistleblowers. Probably the one that is most troubling is a whistleblower, according to the report, who is saying that Jared Kushner told prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia that it was OK with the United States if he arrested Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Making it even worse, President Erdogan of Turkey, this report says, has a telephone intercept of Kushner okaying the abduction of Khashoggi, and says that Erdogan told Trump that if he didn't pull US forces out of northern Syria immediately, they would make that tape public. If this reporting is correct, it appears that there is no depths to which the Trump crime family will not stoop.



Hephaestus's picture
Hephaestus 4 years 43 weeks ago

Sadly! Kushner and Suckerburger have faces you could give a real full handed slap...

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