Thom's blog
Coronavirus: Many Claim We Can't Afford Medicare-for-all, But, It Appears We Are About To Discover How Costly Our For-Profit Healthcare Is
 The coronavirus is now in the United States, and apparently the infection in California goes beyond just one person, because they can't figure out how that one person got it. Which means lots of people need to get tested, particularly if they have symptoms of a severe cold or flu which could indicate that they have the coronavirus. Here's the problem. The average deductible for Obamacare insurance programs is $4000, which means if a person has these symptoms and takes a half a day off work to go get tested, they could end up with a bill of several thousand dollars as well as the lost time from work. And Health and Human Services secretary Alex Azar, the guy who made his fortune doubling the price of insulin when he was in the drug business, just said that he couldn't guarantee that a coronavirus vaccine would be affordable to the average person. In the name of so-called "free markets" we have created a country where paid sick time is rare and pretty much everybody has to pay thousands of dollars in co-pays and deductibles if they make a trip to the doctor or the hospital because they're concerned about being exposed to the coronavirus. Of all the developed countries in the world, we are the least prepared for this outbreak because of Republican policies. And on top of that, Trump just put a guy in charge of the coronavirus crisis who's big public health policy program when he was governor of Indiana was to force women to have funerals for miscarriages or be arrested. Putting failed right wing talk show host Mike Pence in charge of public health is like putting Hannibal Lecter in charge of a restaurant. We need a political revolution in this country and we need it now. -Thom
Thursday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Coronavirus: To Those Who Say We Can't Afford Medicare For All...We're About to Discover Just How Costly Our For-Profit Healthcare Is
Tweet: " The #TrumpBudget guts nearly $700,000,000.00 from the Centers for Disease Control. At the same time, Republican in Washington are trying to destroy our health care." by Nancy Pelosi.
Quote: " There's no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families." - Margaret Thatcher.
Tweet: " Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC (Comcast) & @CNN are doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible. Likewise their incompetent Do Nothing Democrat comrades are all talk, no action. USA in great shape! @CDCgov....." by Donald J. Trump.
Event: Fri, Feb 28, 7:30pm PT: Powell's, 1005 W Burnside St., Portland.
Quote: " Our men are so happy at home that they will not hire themselves to be shot at for a shilling a day. Hence we can have no standing armies for defence" - Thomas Jefferson.
Hour Two: Now that the CDC Says It's Coming... How Are You Preparing For a Pandemic?- Wendell Potter, Former health insurance executive / President - Business For Medicare For All / author, Deadly Spin 
A Psalm of Life By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Record Low Rates Are Increasing American's Debt...
Tweet: " I just gave @SecAzar THREE chances to assure us that any #coronavirus vaccines or treatments developed with U.S. taxpayer dollars will be affordable and accessible to everyone and he flat out refused to do so. He's giving #BigPharma a blank check to monopolize them instead." by Jan Schakowsky.
Tweet: " A former #BigPharma CEO who doubled the price of insulin should not be in charge of regulating Big Pharma! Pharma and their friends in the Trump Administration are only concerned about profit - not the health and livelihood of the American people. #Covid19" by SocialSecurityWorks.
Article: " 2nd Amendment". A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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Is America the Least Prepared for Coronavirus Outbreak?
Did Cuba Embargo, Change Socialist Experiment Forever?
Thom Explains How To Survive Corona Virus
On the Road Again
"The War on Voting: Who Stole Your Vote--and How To Get it Back" - Book Tour Is Coming...
Fri, Feb 28, 7:30pm PT: Powell's, 1005 W Burnside St., Portland.
Sun, Mar 1, noon: Frugal Muse Books - Chicago - Call the store to make a reservation..