Are We Going to Vote in November?

Thom plus logo In two or three weeks we're going to start seeing people show up in hospitals in Wisconsin because of the stunt Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature, the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and the US Supreme Court pulled off this week. Many of those people will die, just so Republicans could suppress the vote in Wisconsin.

It's also obvious from Trump's statements yesterday that the GOP sees this as a trial run for November. They are going to do everything they can to make it difficult for Americans to vote because, as Heritage Foundation cofounder Paul Weyrich said back in 1980 when he was helping run the Reagan campaign, "I don't want everybody to vote... Our leverage in the election, quite candidly, goes up as the voting populace goes down."

The GOP has made it quite clear that they don't care what the fallout may be from their voter suppression, including people dying, so long as it keeps them in power.

Democrats must step up and loudly assert Americans' right to vote, and get vote-by-mail into law in every state in time for the election this fall.



Legend 4 years 20 weeks ago

The Colorado Governor had a request in for 10000 ventilators. On his own he found 500 and issued a PO. But FEMA overrode him and purchased the ventilators. Then Cory Gardner Republican Senator was given 100 ventilators by Trump with a press release that he had obtained them for the State of Colorado. They are playing politics with peoples lives.

Legend 4 years 20 weeks ago

Do not understand why you keep repeating this. Senile? Why not call. Thom and Mark do not screen questions like right wingers do. Do you have a reference that cleary shows it?

deepspace's picture
deepspace 4 years 20 weeks ago

Haha, what a target! Oh well, Sue says we gotta be nice. }:--))

vjreilly's picture
vjreilly 4 years 20 weeks ago

I’d like to be able to source a list of progressive candidates running for United States Senate seats against republicans incumbents.

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