Trump’s Emerging Far Right Agenda

Horace Cooper, National Center for Public Policy Research. For decades Republicans have been the party of federalism and local control. So why are they now threatening to shut down the government if police departmetns all over the country don't bow down before their far-right agenda?

How Coral Reef Bleaching Costs Us 1 Trillion

Big Picture Fact Of the Day...

All The Trade Fakeonomics That's Fit To Print

On tonight’s Big Picture, Thom discusses Trump’s refusal to label China as a currency manipulator and what it means for trade relations between China and the U.S. with economist Alan Tonelson. Then, Thom talks to Caren Lancona, candidate for Senate, and Horace Cooper of the National Center for Public Policy Research about sanctuary cities and how they fit into the budget process and the Trump administration considering cuts to social security.

Blame Conservatives for the United Airlines Debacle

On tonight’s Big Picture, Thom discusses the de-regulation of the airline industry and how it’s related to the recent United incident with economist and professor Dr. Richard Wolff. Then, Thom talks to Bryan Pruitt of RedState and Eleanor Goldfield of “Act Out!” about a special election in Kansas and Democrats’ plans to restore the filibuster if and when they regain control of the Senate.

Dr. Richard Wolff - How Deregulation Caused the United Debacle

Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown/Democracy At Work(For tickets/info on Dr. Wolff's speaking events, click Democracy At Work.) There is a bright line from Carter and Reagan deregulating the airlines to what happened United Airlines Flight 3411 and the PR disaster that's followed.

The Rise Of The BernieCrats

Bryan Pruitt, RedState & Eleanor Goldfield, Act Out!-Occupy.com. Tonight's congressional election in Kansas more than just an election - it's a a referendum on Donald Trump's presidency so far. But could it also signal the rise of the Berniecrats?

Why Forest Fire Intensity Will Increase

Big Picture Fact Of the Day...

Trump Risks World War for Tiny Syrian Intervention

On tonight’s Big Picture, Thom talks to Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK and Stephen Miles of the Center for International Policy about the Trump administration’s policies on Syria, and whether the United States is headed for war. Then, Thom discusses key congressional races that could turn red states blue with Larry Cohen of Our Revolution.

Are We Sleepwalking Into Another Middle Eastern Disaster?

Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK/Global Exchange/Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection & Stephen Miles, Win Without War-Center for International Policy. Just a week after saying that overthrowing the Assad government was no longer a priority - the Trump administration is now openly talking about regime change in Syria.

3 Special Elections To Watch

Larry Cohen, Our Revolution/Democracy Initiative. With tomorrow's special congressional election in Kansas - Democrats have a chance to nab a victory in the heart of Koch country. But will a conservative campaign strategy blow another big opportunity to turn a red state blue?

Trump's Syria U-Turn

On tonight’s Big Picture, Sam talks to Scott Greer of the Daily Caller and Kai Newkirk of 99Rise about the Trump administration’s strike on Syria and the GOP accusing CFPB of not regulating enough. Then, Sam discusses marijuana legalization and Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ announcement to review marijuana policies with Dr. Stuart Titus of Medical Marijuana, Inc.

EPA's Pruitt Refuses to Ban Dangerous Pesticide Despite Agency's Findings

On tonight’s Big Picture, Sam discusses the state of the climate under the Trump administration and the EPA refusing to ban a dangerous pesticide with Dr. Michael Dorsey, director of the Sierra Club. Then, Sam talks to Shelby Emmett of Project 21 and Zaid Jilani of the Intercept about the Senate’s decision to “go nuclear” with Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch and Steve Bannon’s demotion from the National Security Council.

Sessions Moves to Roll Back Civil Rights

On tonight’s Big Picture, Sam discusses Jeff Sessions’ announcement to review agreements between the Justice Department and local police departments with author and activist Eugene Puryear. Then, Sam talks to Brian Darling of the Conservative Review and Charles Sauer of the Market Institute about Trump’s pick for the FDA and his connections to big pharma, and Bernie Sanders’ plan to introduce free college.

How Capitalism Gave Birth to Trump...

On tonight’s Big Picture, Sam discusses capitalism and how it may have helped Trump get elected with economist and professor Dr. Richard Wolff. Then, Thom talks to Bryan Pruitt of RedState and Vien Truong of Green for All about revision talks in the works for the GOP’s health plan and Bernie Sanders introducing legislation for tuition-free college.

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