
10 7 15 call 2

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10 7 15 republican lies

If you liked this clip of The Thom Hartmann Program, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button!

Caller: Obam's FBI still Investigating Hillary...

If you liked this clip of The Thom Hartmann Program, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button!

Media Ignores...Americans Want Citizens United Overturned!

Thom Hartmann says the corporate run media is completely ignoring the story that a majority of Americans want to see the disastrous Citizen's United decision overturned.

Caller: Bill O'Reilly Knows Nothing About Poverty!

If you liked this clip of The Thom Hartmann Program, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button!

Blast from the Past: Bernie Sanders Vs. Alan Greenspan...

Thom Hartmann shares clips from 2003 when the U.S. Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT) schooled Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. Enjoy!

Republicans to Blame for Retiree Pension Cuts...

Thom Hartmann and a caller explain why retirees are now seeing big cuts to their pension payouts.

Why do Conservatives Deny Child Hunger Exists?

Thom Hartmann comments on Fox News host Bill O'Reilly's assertion that child hunger does not exist in the United States.

How Does the Republican Party Reinvent Itself?

Thom Hartmann wonders what the Hell has happened to the modern day Republican Party and how it can fix itself?

How the Benghazi Committee Ethics Complaint Began...

Thom Hartmann explains how the ethics complaint against the House Benghazi committee began.

Alan Grayson Unveils Benghazi Complaint

Thom Hartmann talks with Congressman Alan Grayson, U.S. Congressman (D-FL, 9th District), Website:, about the ethics complaint he has lodged against Republicans running the House Benghazi Committee.

Texas Eliminates 'Slavery' from Text Books...

Thom Hartmann shares a story about the State of Texas changing student text books to refer to slaves as "workers" and "immigrants".

Support #MillionStudentMarch...

Thom Hartmann shares about the movement #MillionStudentMarch and their platform of tuition-free public collage, the cancellation of all student debt and a $15 minimum wage for all campus workers.

Reasonable Republican Gunowner Agrees with Background Checks...

If you liked this clip of The Thom Hartmann Program, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button!

Australia to the NRA: "F.U.!"

Thom Hartmann shares how Australians are responding to comments made by American conservative pundit Tucker Carlson, who says Australians have no freedom because of gun laws.

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