On the Program - Oct 21th 2008
Oct. 21, 2008 10:41 amBy Thom Hartmann A...Quote: It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes. - Andrew Jackson
Hour One -Tara Ross www.taraross.com Topic: "Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the Electoral College"
Guest: James "Jim" Hoffa www.teamsters.org Topic: The race to the bottom- he’ll be at the location of a former Mr.Coffee plant that shut down 10 years ago and moved to Mexico then after 3 years in Mexico and moved to China.
Hour Two -"The Postman" www.ChooseForeclosure.com Topic: why walking away from foreclosure might be the best action "Choose Foreclosure: The Case For Walking Away"
Hour Three -"Taking Our Country Back" Elwyn Tinklenberg www.tinklenberg08.com Topic: Running for Congress in Minnesota's 6th District against Republican incumbent Michelle Bachman
On the Program - Oct 20th 2008
Oct. 19, 2008 11:31 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...Quote: "Nobody can acquire honor by doing what is wrong." - Thomas Jefferson
Hour One - Congressman Bob Barr Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate www.bobbar2008.com Topic: Libertarian party platform...how is Bob different from John McCain?Hour Two - Carrie Lukas www.iwf.org Topic: Thom and Carrie debate if Joe the plumber will be better off with Obama or McCain
Hour Three - Al Franken www.alfranken.com Topic: His senate campaign against republican incumbent Norm Coleman
The Thom Hartmann Program - Weekly Report
Oct. 19, 2008 5:29 pmBy Thom Hartmann A..."Fair and Slightly Unbalanced"
October 20-24 2008 Radio Guest Highlights for the Week
Guest: Bob Barr www.bobbarr2008.com Topic: Thom asks "why should republicans pick Bob instead of John McCain?"
Guest: Carrie Lukas www.iwf.org Topic: Thom and Carrie spar over tax increases for joe and jane "the plumber"
Guest: Al Franken www.alfranken.com Topic: "Taking Our Country Back"
Guest: Conservative attorney/author Tara Ross www.taraross.com Topic: "Is the electoral college obsolete?"
Guest: "The Postman" www.ChooseForeclosure.com Topic: Thom talks to the Postman about why sometimes it's better to walk away from a foreclosure
Guest: Frank Gaffney www.centerforsecuritypolicy.com Topic: Character counts...how about the characters in John McCain's past?
Terry Jeffrey www.cnsnews.com Topic: The issues of the day through the lens of both conservative and liberal
Guest: "Everything you Know is Wrong" Holly Hughes www.frommers.com Topic: "500 Places to See Before They Disappear"Thursday
Guest: Secretary of State Madeleine Albright www.harpercollins.com Topic: Thom talks to the former SOS about the election, America's standing abroad and what the next President has to do to help us heal from the past 8 years
Guest: Christy Harvey www.americanprogress.org Topic: News under the Radar
Friday – "Brunch with Bernie" – Senator Bernie Sanders taking your callsOctober 17 2008 show notes
Oct. 17, 2008 7:12 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...- The show was guest hosted by Nicole Sandler from Miami.
Guest: Melissa Etheridge, rock singer-songwriter. - Guest: Ion Sancho, supervisor of elections for Leon County, Florida.
- Guest: Greg Palast. "Block the Vote". The election's already stolen. " Steal Back Your Vote!
- Guest: ultra conservative, NewsMax columnist and former Congressman from Long Island John LeBoutillier.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
- The show was guest hosted by Nicole Sandler from Miami.
October 16 2008 show notes
Oct. 17, 2008 3:00 amBy Thom Hartmann A...- Last night's presidential debate.
- Joe the plumber.
- Guest: James Bamford. His book, "The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America".
- Guest: Stefan Forbes. His movie, "Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story".
- Guest: Mark Karlin, Buzzflash. The Best of the Rest of the News.
- Guest: Christy Harvey, Director of Strategic Communications at the Center for American Progress,
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
October 15 2008 show notes
Oct. 16, 2008 9:00 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...- Guest: Mark Mitchell, The Naked Short Selling That Toppled Wall Street.
- Guest: CNS Editor-in-Chief Terence Jeffrey.
- Guest: Naomi Klein. Is the financial crisis an intentional shock or simply an opportunity for the vultures? Her book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.
- Guest: Larry Scott, founder and Editor of VA Watch Dog. "The American Veteran's On-Line News Magazine".
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
October 14 2008 show notes
Oct. 16, 2008 8:55 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...- Guest: Brad O'Leary. President of ATI-News. "Take the Obama Test" web site.
- Thom was on Fox News on Sunday defending Acorn (video).
- Guest: Victor Davis Hanson, a blogger at Pajamas Media.
- Guest: Glenn Greenwald, Salon.com. "Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics".
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - Oct 16th 2008
Oct. 16, 2008 9:11 amBy Thom Hartmann A...Hour One - Dr. Rick Scarborough www.visionamerica.us Topic: Thom is challenging Rick who is saying - The falling dow is the result of liberal fascism
Hour Two - James Bamford Topic: His new book "The Shadow Factory: The Ultra Secret NSA From 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America"
Guest: Stefan Forbes www.BoogieManFilm.com Topic: Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story, is coming to 35 cities before the election.
Hour Three - Mark Karlin www.buzzflash.com Topic: The Best of the Rest of the News
Guest: Christy Harvey www.americanprogress.org Topic: News under the Radar
Events with Thom Hartmann Coming Up….
October 17 @ 7:00 PM Thom is speaking & Booksigning - Democratic Headquarters -San Fernando Valley (DPSFV - www.dpsfv.com <http://www.dpsfv.com/> ) 14529 Archwood Van Nuys, CA 91405 (818) 995-DEMS
October 19 – Debate - 2p-4p American Jewish University, Bel Air CA Gindi Auditorium Register 310-440-1246S with Allan Stolk Las Vegas, Bill Handel LA, Stephanie Miller national and Thom Hartmann national www.wcce.ajula.edu/Content/ContentUnit.asp?CID=154&u=7564&t=0 ($25 entrance fee)On the Program - Oct 15th 2008
Oct. 15, 2008 10:34 amBy Thom Hartmann A...Hour One - Mark Mitchell www.deepcapture.com Topic: What is naked short selling and should I avert my eyes?
Hour Two - Terry Jeffrey www.cnsnews.com Topic: Is free market capitalism dead or simply dying? (Laissez faire)
Hour Three - Naomi Klein www.naomiklein.org Topic: Is the financial crisis an intentional shock or simply an opportunity for the vultures?
Guest: Larry Scott www.vawatchdog.org Topic: Vets issues
Events with Thom Hartmann Coming Up….
October 17 @ 7:00 PM Thom is speaking & Booksigning - Democratic Headquarters -San Fernando Valley (DPSFV - www.dpsfv.com 14529 Archwood Van Nuys, CA 91405 (818) 995-DEMS
October 19 – Debate - 2p-4p American Jewish University, Bel Air CA Gindi Auditorium Register 310-440-1246S with Allan Stolk Las Vegas, Bill Handel LA, Stephanie Miller national and Thom Hartmann national www.wcce.ajula.edu/Content/ContentUnit.asp?CID=154&u=7564&t=0 ($25 entrance fee)October 07 2008 show notes
Oct. 14, 2008 8:05 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...- Guest: Tim Dickinson, Contributing Editor, Rolling Stone Magazine.