
Another Reason we Need Big Government...

Thom Hartmann shares a story about how a laptop computer manufacturer was installing spyware on its computers before shipment to customers.

Rudy Giuliani: Barack Obama Hates America!

Thom Hartmann shares former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani's latest ignorant comments about President Obama.

GITMO Torturer Brought his Tactics from Chicago PD...

Thom Hartmann shares a piece in the Guardian that looks into the the interrogation tactics of Navy Reserve Lieutenant Richard Zuley and how he developed many of his techniques while working for the Chicago police.

Will VT Pave the way for State Legislatures to Legalize Pot?

Thom Hartmann discusses Vermont's attempt to legalize marijuana in that state with Senator David Zuckerman, State Senator (P/D-VT, Chittenden District), Website:

The Reasons Progressives Have to be Optimistic...

Thom Hartmann says while Republicans appear to be gaining the upper hand in American politics, there is hope as we have seen this before.

The Polar Vortex and Koch Brothers' Profits...

Thom Hartmann explains how global warming is leading to extreme cold and why corporations like Koch Industries don't want to do what is necessary to fix the problem.

Scott Walker: The Koch Brothers' Lap Dog...

Thom Hartmann talks about how David and Charles Koch are turning on the cash spigots to fund Republican Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's potential likelyl bid.

Can History Help us see the Future?

Thom Hartmann wonders if we are seeing the signs of a coming world war?

We are Playing with Fire...

Thom Hartmann is concerned the world may be headed to another war.

Is WWIII About to Begin?

Thom Hartmann says Republicans hate President Obama so much, they are willing to bring harm to our country.

Competition in the U.S. is Dead!

Thom Hartmann comments on the Business Roundtable and how the companies that make it up pay little or no taxes thanks to off shore tax havens.

Caller: Is There a Pillar of Communism Thom Disagrees with?

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The World Conservatives Live in...

Thom Hartmann shares a couple of stories that illustrate how Republicans think.

Clutter: Do We One Things or Do Things Own Us?

Thom Hartmann shares an article from the New York Times on dealing with clutter.

Caller: The Oligarchs are Censoring our Textbooks!

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