The Republican Party Is An Organized Gang of Sociopaths

By Thom Hartmann A...

One of the defining characteristics of a sociopath is that they view themselves as the only "real" humans on the planet, and everybody else is basically a prop in the amazing story of their lives.
Democrats must prepare for the Supreme Court's second try at installing an illegitimate president

By Thom Hartmann A...

In 2000, they put popular-vote-loser George W. Bush into the White House, and Brett Kavanaugh just signaled to Donald Trump that he's enthusiastic to be part of a second such effort.
Because We Don't Have A Right to Vote...

By Thom Hartmann A...

Because we don't have a right to vote, red state governors can radically cut back on the number of polling places and voting machines so that working class people are forced to stand in line for five, six, in some cases 10 hours to vote.
Our Superspreader President Has Blood On His Hands & So Does the Republican Party

By Thom Hartmann A...

Comparing the United States to other developed countries, they laid out how our lack of a systemic federal response to the coronavirus has endangered Americans.
The Future of American Values Is On the Ballot

By Thom Hartmann A...
Will American Elections Ever Again Be Legitimate?

By Thom Hartmann A...

Republican politicians and conservative commentators are shocked, shocked! that Chief Justice John Roberts would say that people who voted before election day in Pennsylvania but their ballots were delayed by Lewis DeJoy's sabotage of the Post Office should have their vote counted.
How Does a Nation Best Deal With a Leader Who Intentionally Kills Its Citizens?

By Thom Hartmann A...

On top of that, there's a growing legion of people who call themselves "long haulers," who have been seriously disabled by Covid and are unable to live a normal life because of severe chronic fatigue, screaming nerve pain, and other chronic conditions.
More News From The Republican Death Cult

By Thom Hartmann A...

Meanwhile, we're learning that back in February the Trump administration gave a private briefing to elites at the conservative Hoover Institution, telling them the economy was about to get into big trouble because of the virus. As a result numerous multimillionaires and billionaires made a huge killing, while the American middle class got wiped out.
Trump Makes the Case for Medicare for All

By Thom Hartmann A...
Trump & The Republicans Say they Are "Prolife" But Really Are A Death Cult

By Thom Hartmann A...

How is this different from Jim Jones encouraging his followers to drink cyanide-laced Kool-Aid while his enablers stand by? Isn't it just a matter of severity?
It's Time To Unpack The Court

By Thom Hartmann A...

The GOP is pursuing a public slaughter strategy - known to some as "herd immunity"

By Thom Hartmann A...

We shouldn't be surprised. It's simply the logical extension of conservative policies on pretty much everything for the past 90 years-policies that have killed a hell of a lot more than just 2.5 million people.
Republicans Are Willing To Use the Science They Claim To Hate

By Thom Hartmann A...

He attributes his recovery, or has in the last week, to the new monoclonal antibody cocktail from Regeneron that he took early in the course of his disease. And it may well be a wonder drug.
Without Clean Elections There Is No America

By Thom Hartmann A...
What Will It Take To Get Trump To Change His Deadly Position On The Coronavirus?

By Thom Hartmann A...

Back in March and early April, the Trump administration relied on science and epidemiologists and put together a plan for the coronavirus. The Post Office would send five high-quality masks to every American. The economy would be shut down for a month or two so we could assess the situation while aggressively testing and doing contact tracing to isolate outbreaks and control and confine the disease.