June 2012

  • The Oligarchs are Plotting the Weekend...

    The oligarchs are meeting this weekend to plot how they’re going to buy the elections this year. First, Mitt Romney will be hosting a three-day retreat in Utah over the weekend with about 600 hundreds of his biggest fundraisers. Romney is coming off a good fundraising month in May where his camp outraised the Obama camp $78 million to $60 million. But the real plans to buy the election are being made in California –

  • Big Oil is buying the United States House of Representatives

    On Thursday – House Republicans, with a few Democrats, passed the Domestic Energy Production Act to increase oil drilling, scrap environmental regulations, and mandate drilling on public lands. The vote tally was 248 to 163. And according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics – Big Oil paid a lot of money for all those yes votes.

  • Kick the Oil Barons out of our Government!

    A new report by the Department of Energy claims the United States has enough existing renewable energy to supply 80% of the nation’s electricity use by 2050. This is the largest study to date regarding our nation’s renewable energy capacity. But it’s reminiscent of a 1978 White House report during the Carter Administration that suggested the United States could become a “solar society” by the year 2020. Unfortunatel

  • Daily Topics - Thursday June 21st, 2012

    Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE at our new time, 3-6pm Eastern!

    Hour One: Holder in contempt...why wasn't Karl Rove arrested?

    Hour Two: The defenders of patriarchy have lashed out again... / Plus Geeky Science Rocks - Scared grasshoppers show a world more complicated

    Hour Three: Obamacare...how much does it cost to bring down a president? Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL)

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday June 20th, 2012

    Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE at our new time, 3-6pm Eastern!

    Hour One: The outrageous conspiracy theory about guns behind 'Fast & Furious'

    Hour Two: The debt connection...student loans & for profit colleges - Stephen DeMaura, Americans for Job Security

    Hour Three: What to expect when you're electing...

  • Can You Hear the Giant Sucking Sound?

    The U.S. call center industry has lost 500,000 jobs over the last six years thanks to corporations like Bank of America, Well Fargo, and T-Mobile outsourcing Americans jobs to foreign countries where they can exploit low-wage workers.

  • JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon's kabuki theater was back on Capitol Hill Tuesday

    JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon starred in another dog and pony show on Capitol Hill Tuesday – this time appearing before the House Financial Services Committee. While receiving some tough questions from Democrats on the Committee who aren’t as dependent on Wall Street money, Dimon was once again given a free pass by Republicans who rely on Dimon for campaign cash.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday June 19th, 2012

    Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE at our new time, 3-6pm Eastern!

    Hour One: Republicans find another union to bust / Plus, Romney campaign carnival caravan hits Wisconsin - John Nichols, The Nation Magazine / And, Victory in Tucson AZ! Ben Bosley, Tucson United & Move to Amend

  • Austerity is losing momentum in Europe

    Yes, the Conservative New Democracy Party finished first in the Greek elections Sunday, but it was not a democratic endorsement of the current austerity regime wrecking Europe. Looking at the polls, anti-austerity parties actually nabbed 52% of the vote in Sunday’s elections – and the far-left SYRIZA Party has doubled its share of the vote since May, garnering enough enthusiastic support that it can continue to push the new Greek coaliti

  • Daily Topics - Monday June 18th, 2012

    Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE at our new time, 3-6pm Eastern!

    Hour One: Special edition - "Brunch With Bernie" - Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) takes your calls

    Hour Two: 40th anniversary of the Watergate break-in - John Dean

    Hour Three: LA ok to fund religious schools until other religions showed up

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

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