Full Show 8/17/12: Great Minds: Chris Hayes and Tom Shadyac

In tonight's special edition of "Conversations with Great Minds" Thom talks with MSNBC host Chris Hayes, author of the new book "Twilight of the Elites," and award-winning filmmaker Tom Shadyac about his pursuit of projects beyond directing Hollywood movies.

Full Show 8/16/12: Assange Granted Asylum

Guest host Sam Sacks fills in for Thom Hartmann and discusses Ecuador's granting of asylum to Julian Assange, the GOP's attack against the 17th amendment and DEVO's new song about Romney's dog Seamus. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses why Republican lies might work come November.

Full Show 8/15/12: Congress Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low

Guest host Sam Sacks discusses the dismal approval rating of congress and what's to blame for it. Also discussed: the alarming news of Pennsylvania's voter id law being upheld, the 77th birthday of social security and what Paul Ryan wants to do with the program and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom looks at a way to make every vote count this November.

Full Show 8/14/12: Wikileaks Uncovers TrapWire

Guest host Sam Sacks talks with Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein about the campaign, her party's platform and Romney's VP pick. Also discussed: why we should be concerned about the surveillance system TrapWire, Paul Ryan's union busting record in Wisconsin and mutated butterflies in Japan. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom looks at why oil corporations have a privileged place in our economy and justice system.

Full Show 8/13/12: Ayn Rand for Vice President

Guest host Sam Sacks talks with "The Nation's" John Nichols about the Romney-Ryan ticket. Also discussed: what wikileaks tells us about Romney's VP pick, Ryan's love of Ayn Rand and the growing destruction and dangers of drones. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom asks the most important question not being asked in the presidential campaign—what is the purpose of an economy?

Full Show 8/10/12: The Bigger Picture: Beyond Fukushima

Thom talks at length with Paul Gunter and Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear in tonight's "Bigger Picture" discussion on nuclear power. In tonight's "Conversations with Great Minds" Thom talks with NSA Whistleblowers Thomas Drake and Kirk Wiebe.

Full Show 8/9/12: Fukushima in the USA?

Guest host Sam Sacks talks with Beyond Nuclear's Paul Gunter about the surprisingly good news from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Also discussed: the false welfare claim against Obama from the Romney campaign, how Governor Rick Scott is making Florida streets more dangerous by teaming up with ALEC and the NRA and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how broke cities and rich corporations are a recipe for disaster.

Full Show 8/8/12: Time for the Corporate Death Penalty

Guest host Sam Sacks discusses how corporations are defrauding Americans and how no one will go to jail over it. Also discussed: the impact of high frequency traders on our economy, a labor strike in Houston and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom tells us why people should be ashamed to call themselves conservatives.

Full Show 8/7/12: Corporate Capitalism Will Kill Us All

Guest host Sam Sacks discusses the world food crisis and corporate capitalism with journalist and author Chris Hedges. Sacks also speaks with former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman about his upcoming 78-month prison sentence and what he thinks got him there, and tonight's "Daily Take" looks at how one specific word in the second amendment has turned America into a battlefield.

Full Show 8/6/12: Wall Street Always Gets What they Want

Guest host Sam Sacks discusses the Wisconsin Sikh Temple shooting with journalist and author John Nichols and Rajdeep Singh of The Sikh Coalition. Also discussed: Texas' plans to execute a mentally disabled man, the latest study revealing how Romney's tax plan helps the rich while hurting the middle class and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how Wall Street owns Congress and always get what they want.

Full Show 8/3/12: Great Minds: Lamar Waldron and Lori Wallach

In tonight's special edition of "Conversations with Great Minds" Thom talks with historian and author Lamar Waldron about his new book "Watergate, and in the last half of the show Thom talks US trade policy with attorney and activist Lori Wallach.

Full Show 8/2/12: Libertarians: The Ruling Elite's Puppets

Guest host Sam Sacks looks at the impact Gary Johnson may have on November's election. Also discussed: how big, big oil really is, the latest case of apparent brutality by our country's "protect and serve" police force and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how Romney is America's first oligarch to run for president.

Full Show 8/1/12: Who likes Tea Party?

Guest host Sam Sacks looks at the Tea Party's radical privatization agenda and the effect it's having on our nation. Also discussed: Mayor Bloomberg's pro-breast-feeding agenda and the GOP's mission to end the US Post Office. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses the Supreme Court discussion that underpins the current Chick-Fil-A controversy.

Full Show 7/31/12: The NeverEnding (Fundraising) Story

Guest host Sam Sacks talks with AlterNet's Adele Stan on whether Obama has a chance against the GOP's billions. Also discussed: whether unions are funding their own demise, the latest from the Fukushima disaster and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom calls for a simple change in the tax code that would outlaw billionaires.

Full Show 7/30/12: Unrest in Anaheim

Thom gets the latest on the uprising in Anaheim from Emmy award winning journalist Amber Lyon. Also discussed: the latest casualties from Romney's outsourcing, the news that a Koch brother-funded scientist has changed his thoughts on climate change and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how one specific word in the second amendment has turned America into a battlefield.

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