Your Take/My Take - NRA - How many innocent people must die?

Your Take/My Take - NRA - How many innocent people must die?

The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Azygophrenically Ugly!

The Good! *Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) * Congressman Sensenbrenner - one of the most Conservative Congressmen in the country - gave his take this weekend on Rep. Michelle Bachmann's Muslim Brotherhood witchhunt. The Bad! *Masterpiece Cakeshop* Last week - Dave Mullins and Charlie Craig went to the Lakewood, Colorado bakery to order their wedding cake. While they are getting married in Massachusetts - where same-sex marriage is legal - they wanted a cake for a celebration with family and friends in Colorado. However - the owner of the cakeshop - Jack Phillips - refused to make them a cake. And the Very Very Ugly! *Russell Pearce* Pearce - the former Arizona State Senator who authored Arizona's controversial SB1070 immigration law - gave his take this weekend on the shooting in Colorado. Rather than just expressing his condolences to the families of the victims - like most people did - Pearce decided to call out the victims in a Facebook post.

Police Use Brutal Force on CA Protesters

Rania Khalek, AlterNet, w/Big Picture panelists Brian Darling, Heritage Foundation & SE Robinson, The Blaze & Karl Frisch, Progressive Strategist all join Thom Hartmann. Over the weekend - protesters in Anaheim, California were met with a brutal show of force by that city's police officers. Is this latest episode of police brutality a sign of the over-militarization of the nation's police forces - and what can be done to stop the epidemic of excessive force?

Will SuperPACs be Forced to Reveal Donors?

Lee Fang, RepublicReport.org w/Big Picture panelists Brian Darling, Heritage Foundation & SE Robinson, The Blaze & Karl Frisch, Progressive Strategist all join Thom Hartmann. Super wealthy Americans like the Koch Brothers have corrupted our democracy with millions in campaign cash. But at least they put their name to it. What about the other oligarchs who are buying our democracy in the shadows? Do they have a right to anonymity when it comes to buying politicians?

Does Anyone in America Need an Assault Weapon?

Josh Horwitz, JD, National Coalition to Stop Gun Violence w/Big Picture panelists Brian Darling, Heritage Foundation & SE Robinson, The Blaze & Karl Frisch, Progressive Strategist all join Thom Hartmann. In the wake of the Colorado shooting massacre on Friday - politicians and everyday Americans alike are questioning the role of guns in our society. Should lawmakers introduce stronger gun-control legislation - or are mass shootings something we need to learn to live with now that the Supreme Court says the NRA and their weapons manufacturing corporations are persons?

Full Show 7/20/12: Conversations with Great Minds - Jeffrey Smith

For our Friday Conversations with Great Minds, Thom spoke to Jeffrey Smith. He's a leading consumer advocate in the fight against the use of genetically modified foods. Thom also spoke about the mass shooting in Colorado and the need for gun control here in the US And in our Friday Rumble we discussed gun control and the growing wealth gap in the US

Conversations w/Great Minds - Jeffrey Smith GMOs - Seeds of Deception P2

Jeffrey Smith, Executive Director-Institute for Responsible Technology, leading spokesperson on the health dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), author of the books "Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating" and "Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods." Genetically modified crops are all the rage these days - and have taken over the agriculture industries of many countries. But just how dangerous are genetically modified crops - and do we really need to be relying so heavily on them?

Conversations w/ Great Minds - Jeffrey Smith GMOs - Seeds of Deception P1

Jeffrey Smith, Executive Director-Institute for Responsible Technology, leading spokesperson on the health dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), author of the books "Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating" and "Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods." Genetically modified crops are all the rage these days - and have taken over the agriculture industries of many countries. But just how dangerous are genetically modified crops - and do we really need to be relying so heavily on them?

Big Picture Rumble - Solutions to wealth inequality?

Michael Warren, The Weekly Standard & Marc Harrold, Libertarian Commentator & Nicole Williams, Democratic Strategist all join Thom Hartmann. With growing levels of wealth inequality - what solutions do Conservatives have to bridge the gap between the wealthy elites and everyone else? That and more in tonight's Big Picture Rumble

How many more killed until sensible gun control?

Mike Glaze, Mayors Against Illegal Guns joins Thom Hartmann. Another senseless act of gun violence left 12 people dead and nearly 60 injured at a midnight screening of the new Batman movie last night in Colorado. How many more tragedies is it going to take before we pass sensible gun control laws to protect American lives?

Justice Scalia tells America to, "Get Over It"

Justice Antonin Scalia is out of touch with society - out of touch with the founding principles of this nation - and out of touch with judicial ethics. Isn't time he was tossed out of the chamber?

Just How Bad is the Largest Drought in Decades?

Robert Engelman, World Watch Institute, joins Thom Hartmann. All across America - record high temperatures and a lack of rain are causing a nightmare for the nation's farmers and agriculture industry. Just how badly is the largest drought in decades hurting our food supply - and is this a glimpse of things to come in the age of global warming?

The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Lotophagously Ugly!

The Good! *US District Judge Todd Campbell* Yesterday - Campbell ruled that officials in Rutherford County, Tennessee need to stop preventing Muslims from worshipping in a newly contructed mosque. The Bad! *Congressman Steve King (R-IA)* King is sponsoring an amendment to the House Farm Bill that allows forms of animal cruelty confining pregnant pigs so tightly that they can't move a single limb. and the Very Very Ugly! *Mike Huckabee* On yesterday's edition of The Huckabee Report - Huckabee was talking about the Boy Scouts' of America's recent decision to continue discriminating against homosexual scouts and leaders.

GOP forced to choose - Raising Taxes or Cut Defense?

David Selig, conservative commentator Vs. Thom Hartmann. Republicans have a tough choice to make - raise taxes on the all important millionaires and billionaires - or cut spending to the massive military. Are Republicans willing to break their promise to Grover Norquist in order to protect the defense industry?

Geeky Science! Do Humans have a built in GPS?

Forget mapbooks and expensive GPS systems - it turns out we could be saving a lot of money - but using our brains for directions instead! What does new research suggest about the possibility of a neurological GPS system in humans?

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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