Thom's blog
We Need to Listen to the Founders and Stop the Forever War.

Just a little over a year ago during his speech at the National Defense University here in Washington, D.C., President Obama talked about winding down Bush’s War on Terror. But as American bombers continue to strike against ISIS in Iraq and now Syria, it now looks like the War on Terror will be with us for years to come. And that’s a really dangerous thing for our democracy.
Planet before Profit.

After last week's massive march on climate change, activists and protesters took on Wall Street.
URGENT: Stop conservatives before they kill again...

Conservative economic policies are eating middle-class Americans alive – and killing us, too. For any society to work, people’s basic needs have to be met, whether they have a job or not, and whether the economy is in an upswing or a downswing. As FDR laid out in his Second Bill of Rights, those basic needs include things like access to food, healthcare, housing, education and gainful employment.
For-Profit Insanity is Killing Americans

Despite what you might hear on Fox So-Called News, Obamacare really is working. Uninsured rates are dropping, premiums are a lot lower than expected, and in the states that have expanded Medicaid, hundreds of thousands of working Americans now have access to free, I repeat, free healthcare.
Time for America to dump "homeland"...

It’s time to do away with the word “homeland." As the situation with ISIS continues to escalate, and as worries about terrorist attacks on American soil continue to spread, we’re hearing the term “homeland” mentioned more and more.
Largest Climate March Ever!

On Sunday, the world's largest climate march took over New York City. In addition to the 400,000 people who showed up to demand change in the Big Apple, hundreds of thousands more joined events in at least 156 counties. From London to Rio to Melbourne to New York, people around the world joined together to demand action on climate change.
GOP Blocks Equal Pay...again.

Just in time for election season, Senate Republicans blocked legislation aimed at closing the gender pay gap. For the third time since 2012, Republicans refused to allow debate on the Paycheck Fairness Act, and reminded women that the GOP doesn't believe in equal pay for equal work.
First Columbia took on their drug lords, now they're taking on their billionaires...why can't we?

America’s billionaires are driving this nation’s poverty epidemic. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
As we speak, working-class Americans are getting screwed over by policies that favor the wealthy elite, and leave everyone else in the dust. As a result, more and more Americans are living in poverty.
The Real Carbon “Monster” Revealed

Another day, another stupid assault on the truth by the fossil fuel industry and its paid lackeys. In a recent op-ed for the New York Post, Tom Harris, the executive director of the so-called International Climate Science Coalition -- an organization that’s funded, in part, by the fossil fuel industry -- blasted Leonardo DiCaprio for his work on “Carbon,” a new documentary on climate change that I helped write and present.
Has Kansas Found the Cure for the Reaganomics Disease?

Reaganomics is like a bad disease; It just keeps on spreading. Thanks to 34 years of failed Reaganomics, the gap between the wealthy elite in America and everyone else is at an all-time high.