Daily Topics - Wednesday December 30th 2009

Warm Welcome to our newest radio station KWAI 1080 AM in Honolulu, HI (where it's expected to be 82 degrees today!!)
Hour One - Are we asking the wrong question about how to stop terrorism?
Please Help the Salem Children's Village If You Can...

Back in 1978, Louise and I started a community for abused children, the New England Salem Children's Village, on Stinson Lake in Rumney, New Hampshire. A decade later we added a school to the property, the Hunter School, for ADHD kids.
Sen Jim DeMint - Terrorists or Unions?

The TSA - which keeps us safe from airplane bombers - is without a director. Why would one of our most vital security agencies be headless? Well, it's actually quite simple.
Daily Topics - Wednesday December 23 2009

Hour One - Do the Democrat's have a secret plan...shhhh, don't tell anyone...to get health care passed?
The Holiday Gift This Country Needs...

The gift our country needs this Holiday season is an economy that serves us instead of us just serving those who own or control most of the economy.
Daily Topics - Tuesday December 22 2009

A fix or the End of All Life?

Former technology officer for Microsoft Nathan Myhrvold thinks that he has found a cheap and reliable way to solve global warming.
Daily Topics Blog - Friday December 18th 2009

Hour One "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders www.sanders.senate.gov
Hour Two - Deevi Danes www.swopusa.org Topic: End Violence Against Sex Workers
Daily Topics Blog - Thursday December 17th 2009

Hour One - Mr. President, it's time to come clean on the deals you've made with the health insurance gangsters
Get Screwed! by Thom Hartmann

Join the drawing for a free copy of Screwed:The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class -- And What We Can Do About It.
Daily Topics Blog - Wednesday December 16th 2009

Hour One: Healthcare: First they came for the Banksters....
Hour Two: Dan and Thom debate the healthcare debacle - Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute www.businessandmedia.org
Healthcare: First They Came For The Banksters

With apologies to Pastor Niemöller:
First they came for the banksters, and showered them with money and put them in the Administration in a way that was not change we could believe in.