Daily Topics Blog - Tuesday December 15th 2009

Hour One - Matt Taibbi - on Obama's Big Sellout www.rollingstone.com
Corporaterrorists on the Prowl.....in Congress

Senate Democrats on Monday evening dropped the plan to include the Medicare to 55 expansion, winning the support of Joe Lieberman and the acquiescence of liberals, in another major step toward building enough support to pass a health-care corporaterrorist giv
Does Joe Lieberman want Liberals to Suffer?

What is the growing cost of placating Joe Lieberman as he now loudly proclaims he will filibuster the Senate healthcare compromise of the compromised reformed that's been compromised?
Daily Topics Blog - Monday December 14th 2009

Hour One - Does Joe Lieberman control the fate healthcare reform now? And what grade would you give Obama? He gave himself a B+ and it will upgrade it to an A- once healthcare reform goes through...
Daily Topics - Friday December 11th 2009

Faux...er...Fox News. We Distort, You Abide!

France is looking to match Britain's choice yesterday to impose a one-time 50% windfall tax on bank bonuses. Amazing what you can get done in a country where it's illegal to bribe politicians!
Daily Topics - Thursday - December 10th 2009

Quote: We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. -- Carl Sagan
Daily Topics - Wednesday December 9th 2009

Quote: "Because of the complexity of the problem, environmental skepticism was once tenable. No longer.
It's Too Big to Punish...

The House GOP leadership “met with more than 100 lobbyists at the Capitol Visitors Center” on Tuesday to form a plan about how to kill financial reform legislation.
Tuesday Daily Topics Dec 8th 2009

Quote: "It is a cruel thought, that, when we feel ourselves standing on the firmest ground in ever respect, the cursed arts of our secret enemies...should effect, by depreciating our money, what the open arms of a powerful enemy could not.
How about lowering the age of eligibility to "conception"?

USA TODAY is reporting- When the swine flu vaccine was most scarce, health officials gave thousands of doses to corporate clinics at Walt Disney World,Toyota, defense contractors, oil companies and cruise lines."As a Democratic member of Congress asked, "Was corporate
Join a Tea Party?

A new Rasmussen poll shows the Tea Party movement is way more popular than the Republican Party it seeks to be a part of -- if they were a political party, they would overtake the GOP on the generic Congressional ballot. The results of the poll?
Thom Hartmann now on TV

Nationally syndicated Thom Hartmann is now being carried on Free Speech TV (www.freespeech.org).
Friday December 4th 2009