How big money controls the stories the media tells

"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost."
- Thomas Jefferson in 1786, to his close friend Dr. James Currie
In 1983, 90% of the American media landscape (including magazines, books, music, news feeds, newspapers, movies, radio, and television) was dominated by 50 conglomerates.
Nobody Expected We Would Pay Such a Steep Price for Electing a Mentally Ill Criminal as President - Can We Recover?

Donald Trump lied to us about all four of them. As a result, each, today, represents a larger threat than it did before he became president and hundreds of thousands of Americans have or soon will die because of his lies.
Republicans Are Loudly Telling Americans Who They Are – Is Anybody Listening?

Is a second American civil war really possible?

If we are, indeed, on the brink of a second Civil War, it's already being waged as a "cold war," with the occasional armed skirmish being provoked by the so-called Alt-Right movement, which, as of summer, 2020, had murdered thousands of Americans since Tim McVeigh kicked off the modern "boogaloo" white supremacy era.
How Will Planet Earth Cope With Early Stage Lung Cancer?

This is what early-stage global warming looks like.
Can America be repaired?

Typically he commits his crimes in somewhat less visible fashion, but this is a man clearly comfortable with committing crimes.
To Strengthen American Democracy & Restore the Middle Class, Return to Taxing the Rich

These rich men who inherited their wealth from their parents and then turned into, essentially, monsters are the best evidence we need for a meaningful estate tax.
Why Are So Many Americans Willing to Support Hate & Division?

Which raises the question, is this the America the majority of voters want to live in?
Will America survive Trump's effort to stoke a Civil War?

White nationalists, including those embedded in police departments, have been attacking Black Lives Matter protestors in high profile ways the last few months, and Donald Trump is hoping it will help him. Over the weekend, both Kellyanne Conway and Laura Trump said as much, even implying that people being killed in the streets is good for Donald Trump.
Trump plays tinpot dictator instead of president

Is the Trump Death Cult Growing or Shrinking?

Was the Slave Patrol Doing its Work Last Night in Kenosha Wisconsin?

In most cases, the slave patrols were volunteer vigilante groups, drawing from the population of local farmers and other white people whose economic survival depended on the larger plantations.
As Shocked As Republican Commentators On TV Seem, Donald Trump Is Nothing New For The GOP

The largest fear seems to be that Black people would move into the suburbs, with Black Senator Cory Booker telling them which white houses to take over.
What's It Going To Take to Break Trump's Followers' Obsession With Death?