Daily Topics - Thursday - December 10th 2009

Quote: We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. -- Carl Sagan
Thursday December 3 2009

Quote: “It is a tragic mix-up when the United States spends $500,000 for every enemy soldier killed, and only $53 annually on the victims of poverty." -- Martin
Thursday November 19th 2009

Hour One: Have the banksters set up a system so corrupt that it's going to bring the rest of the world to it's knees....soon with Max Keiser www.maxkeiser.com
Thursday November 12th 2009

Hour One - What about classical demand side economics don't Libertarians & conservatives not understand? Thom is challenging Wayne Root www.rootforamerica.com
Thursday November 5 2009

Hour One: Why did Goldman Sachs get their swine flu shots before high risk pregnant women & children?
Thursday October 29th 2009

Thursday - October 22 2009

Hour One: What's up with the Public Option? Peter DeFazio www.defazio.house.org
Thursday October 15th 2009

Hour One - Is the Economic recovery on thin ice?
Hour Two: Would trade tariffs make China clean up their act? Thom challenges Sallie James of the Cato Institute www.cato.or
Thursday Oct 8th 2009

KPOJ's Carl Wolfson and Christine Alexander filling in...
Hour One: New Supreme Court session with cases to be reviewed with Stephen Kanter www.lclark.edu
Thursday -October 1st 2009

Michael Moore joins Thom today - Thom is doing the show 'Live" from Salem International
Hour One - Michael Moore (michaelmoore.com) joins Thom - Capitalism: A Love Story
Thursday - September 24 2009

Hour One: Will health care reform hurt or help the economy? Thom debates Dr. Todd Rubin of Doctors for Patient Care www.Docs4PatientCare.com
Thursday - September 16th 2009

Hour One: China has eaten our lunch - are they now working on dessert?...how do we stop them? Clyde Prestowitz, Jr www.econstrat.org
Hour Two: Healthcare....
Thursday - September 10th 2009