May 21 2009 - Thursday

Topic: "Dick Cheney won?!" Thom mixes it up with Reagan biographer Craig Shirley, President of Shirley & Bannister Public Affairs
Topic: "News Under the Radar" Christy Harvey of the Center for American Progress visits with Thom
Topic: "Geeky Science Rocks" our weekly update from the world of science
May 14th 2009 Thursday

Hour One: Has Dick Cheney won?
Hour Two: Should the photos be released or not?
Hour Three: "Torture...prosecute or pardon?" Thom speaks with constitutional law expert, Bruce Fein, an associate deputy attorney general under Reagan
May 6-8 2009 Thursday

Peter B Collins (Wed & Fri) and Portland KPOJ's Morning Crew "Carl Wolfson with Christine Alexander"(Thu) will be filling in Wed - Fri while Thom is home for his mother's funeral and to be with family.
April 30th 2009 Thursday

Hour 1 - Should we regulate the hedge fund and financial services industries like the Europeans are doing?
April 23 2009 Thursday

Hour 1 - Torture: Is the FBI the Smoking Gun?
Hour 2 - "Everything you Know is Wrong" Phil Chalmers Topic: Inside the Mind of a Teen Killer
Topic - Geeky Science Rocks!
Hour 3 - Is it time to end the prohibition of Pot? with Norm Stamper, former Chief of Police Seattle
April 16th 2009

Hour 1 - Thom asks Ibrahim Hooper ( "How can we help Islam purge violence?"
Halima Karsai ( joins Thom to talk about Afghan woman pelted with stones for protesting rape law.
April 9th 2009

Topic: Whistleblower Iris Mack is with Thom today - Harvard Derivatives Whiz Fired For Emailing Larry Summers About "Frightening" Trades
Topic: "Mexican Drug War + More Gun Control = Solution?" Thom debates Erich Pratt of Gun Owners of America
April 2 2009

Call in “On Air” (866) 987-THOM
On the Program March 26 2009

To listen to the show “Live” for free or to watch Thom “live” in video - you have to sign in as a member on this “home page”
Hour 1: The Best of the rest of the News
Hour 2: Monsanto and the battle for a safe food supply - Thom speaks with Dr. Andrew Bosworth, author of " The Future of Food, Pills and Sex"
March 19th 2009 On the Program

Thom is #1 Progressive Talk Host in America

Talkers Magazine names Thom Hartmann as the 10th most important talk show host in America, and the #1 most important progressive host, in their "Heavy Hundred" ranking. Check it out at
Thom Vision
On the Program - Feb 12th 2009

Contact Congress

Here is the main number for Congress - the Senate and House - in Washington, DC. 202 225-3121
Toll-free numbers, sponsored by a variety of sources, come and go, so this list may not be current (although we try to update it often). If you find dead numbers here, or know of numbers we could/should add, drop an email to thom at
1 (800) 828 - 0498
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1 (877) 851 - 6437
1 (800) 459 - 1887
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