Thursday 30 June '11 show notes
Jun. 30, 2011 6:16 pmBy SueN- Congressman Peter DeFazio, (D-OR, 4th District). Is the debt ceiling unconstitutional?
- John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine. Latest on the war on democracy.
- Senator Chris Coons (D-DE). Constitutionality of the Debt Ceiling.
- Colby Bohannon, President & Co-Founder, FMAFE. "Scholarships for white males only"...
Wednesday 29 June '11 show notes
Jun. 30, 2011 5:38 pmBy SueN- Vic Berardelli, Republican Liberty Caucus. Did the Supreme Court just kill public financing of elections?
- Craig Holman, Public Citizen. Did the Supreme Court just kill public financing of elections?
- A.W.R. Hawkins, PhD, Columnist-Pajamas Media. Why do conservatives paint all of Islam with the same extremist paint brush?
- Peter Bergen, Author.
Does President Obama’s have a secret weapon to force Republicans to come to the table?
Jun. 30, 2011 9:22 amBy louisehartmannA group of 248 economist, six of whom are Nobel Prize winners, sent a letter to Congressional leaders yesterday demanding a clean vote to raise the debt-ceiling – arguing that failure to do so could have, “a substantial negative impact on economic growth.” The IMF issued a similar warning too. But as President Obama drew a line in the sand yesterday in debt-limit negotiations demanding that tax loopholes for millionaires,
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: The story of the 5 Kings who rule America. 28 June '11
Jun. 29, 2011 6:01 pmBy SueNTranscript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Are Hacktivists becoming the new journalists? 24 June '11
Jun. 29, 2011 3:56 pmBy SueNGovernor Rick Scott may have just won the race to the bottom
Jun. 29, 2011 9:31 amBy louisehartmannThe jobless are screwed in Florida. Governor Rick Scott may have just won the race to the bottom when it comes to unemployment insurance. Scott – one of America’s most disliked Governors – signed into law yesterday a huge reduction in Florida’s unemployment benefit system – cutting the number of weeks someone is eligible to collect unemployment from 26 down to just 12. The cut falls in line with Governor Scott’s prom
Daily Topics - Wednesday June 29th, 2011
Jun. 29, 2011 7:38 amBy shawnt56Get the new IPhone App for Thom Hartmann
Hour One: Did the Supreme Court just kill public financing of elections? Vic Berardelli, Republican Liberty Caucus
Tuesday 28 June '11 show notes
Jun. 28, 2011 2:54 pmBy SueN- Corporate CEOs have a secret they don’t want you to know about…
- Mark Williams, Talk Radio host and Tea Party advocate. What is the Tea Party plan to take over the GOP?
- Jon Ronson, Journalist, documentary filmmaker, radio presenter, author. Can you pass "The Psychopath Test?"
- Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director - Greenpeace International.