Thom's blog
Is Government by "Hostage Taking" Over?

The days of the Tea Party controlling Congress may be numbered. Congressional aides are suggesting that Speaker of the House John Boehner is planning to work around his Tea Party members and negotiate with Democrats on a deal to extend the payroll tax cut when Congress reconvenes later this month.
Is America a nation in the midst of a class war?
More Americans think the nation is in the grips of class warfare than ever before. According to a new Pew Research Center survey – two-thirds of the nation believes there are “strong” conflicts between the rich and the poor in America – that’s an increase of 19-points since 2009. Across all demographics – white, black, Hispanic – and across all political affiliations – Republican, Democrat, and Independents – as well as across all clas
Are Republicans redistributing massive amounts of money to the top 1%?
Between all the debates, the interviews, and the campaign ads – doesn’t it seem like the Republicans candidates only care about helping rich people? That’s because that IS all they care about. According to a report by the Citizens for Tax Justice – which examined all the tax cut plans proposed by the candidates – the average tax cut for the 1% is 270 times greater than the tax cuts being proposed for the middle class. Not only th
What will be the results of the New Hampshire primary?
It’s primary day in New Hampshire – and the votes are already being counted. Two New Hampshire communities – Dixville Notch and Hart’s Location – have a tradition of casting ballots at midnight – and out of 22 votes cast – Mitt Romney has a very, very early lead with 7 votes – Ron Paul has 5 – and Jon Huntsman has 4. Romney is expected to win big in New Hampshire – or at least he was before he inexplicably went on a tirade yesterday ab
Will Mitt Romney win tomorrow night’s New Hampshire Primary?
Over the weekend, Mitt Romney had just two hurdles to jump before he cruises to a victory in tomorrow night’s New Hampshire Primary – and those were back-to-back debates on Saturday night and Sunday morning. After escaping the first debate completely unscathed – Romney was attacked in the second debate for being a career politician, making a living killing jobs, and being far too moderate to represent the Republican Party. Romney himse
Republicans Don't Care about Voter Fraud....

Iowa Republicans are trying to dismiss claims that the vote count in Tuesday’s Iowa Caucus was wrong. An Iowa voter told a local TV station yesterday that he noticed a 20-vote discrepancy in the count – and that Rick Santorum was the real winner of the Caucuses. Republican Party officials, though, are sticking to their first count – showing Mitt Romney as the winner by 8-votes - and there will be no recount.
Is the Corporate Media acknowledging the death of the American Dream?

The New York Times is finally catching on to the fact that the American Dream is dead. An article running in the paper today points out the disturbing fact that the United States is one of the least socially mobile nations in the developed world. As in – it’s harder for someone born poor to become rich – or even just join the middle class throughout their life. Only 8% of Americans born in the poorest fifth of the popula
Why the German economy is surging
Even though a debt crisis is gripping the European continent – the German economy is surging. According to the latest economic data – German unemployment fell in the month of December – bringing the average number of unemployed people in that nation to a two-decade low. Economists are now openly wondering just how long the German economy can be immune from the chaos surrounding it in places like Greece where unemployment is at 18%
Will the Occupy Iowa Caucus be successful?
It’s Iowa Caucus day!
Despite endless debating, campaign ads, and TV punditry over the last few months – the Republican race to the White House officially begins this evening as Iowans gather to choose which Republican they’d like to see run against President Obama this year.
Are the days of a free and open internet over?
There’s a backlash underway against supporters of the Stop Online Privacy Act – known as SOPA.
The legislation – which is currently stalled in Congress until next month – would give the federal government – working with major entertainment industries – the power to take down websites that may be displaying copyrighted material.