Thom's blog
Does Newt Gingrich want you executed for smoking pot?

Republican Presidential front-runner Newt Gingrich doesn’t just want to throw you in jail for smoking pot – he wants to execute you! As Speaker of the House back in 1996 – Gingrich introduced the “Drug Importer Death Penalty Act of 1996” – a bill calling for the execution of anyone convicted more than once of carrying two ounces of marijuana across the border.
Are Predator Drones Watching You?

When it comes to privacy – we’re screwed. According to the Los Angeles Times – unmanned Predator drones aren’t just for hunting terrorists in the Middle East anymore – they’re being used to hunt American citizens too. Three men were arrested in North Dakota on suspicions they stole cattle from a nearby farm – and they were located thanks to the help of a Predator drone conducting surveillance above. Local police are
Dangerous times for Democracy?

In a crisis - we're seeing democracy die in Europe. Led by France and Germany - a new treaty was worked out between Eurozone nations in an effort to halt the growing financial crisis sweeping the continent. The treaty - written mostly by banksters - imposes strict new rules on individual European nations including: capping how high annual budget deficits can run - agreeing to "automatic consequences" if deficits get too h
Republicans want power not jobs...

Republicans in the House yesterday passed legislation giving themselves even more power. The “Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny Act” – or REINS Act – gives either chamber of Congress complete veto power over new regulations put in place by White House executive orders.
Will fire services soon be luxuries available to just the top 1%?

For the second time in a little over a year in Tennessee – firefighters sat and watched a house burn down. When her house caught fire – Tennessee homeowner Vicky Bell called 9-1-1 – but when firefighters arrived they parked their trucks away from the fire – and just watched the flames consume Vicky’s home.
Occupying Foreclosed Homes is now Underway

Occupy Wall Street is going off in a new direction today – occupying foreclosed homes. A day of action is planned today in 25 cities across America – including New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago to help Americans hardest hit by foreclosure. Occupy Wall Street patriots will take to the suburbs to stop cops from evicting people from their homes – and they’ll begin “occupying” already foreclosed and vacant homes.
Stop! The Poison-Pill that is Killing the Post Office...

The Post Office is screwed!
Still wondering why there’s a need for the Occupy Wall Street Movement?

The Great Bush Crash of 2008 – resulted in a massive downgrade of the U.S. labor force. According to a new study out of Rutgers – only 7% of the millions and millions of Americans who lost their jobs during this second Republican Great Depression – have found a new job on par or better with the salary they were making before the 2008.
Thanks to Republicans – this winter – 20% of Americans will have to make a choice – stay warm at home – or put food on the table

This winter – the poor are screwed. According to forecasts by the U.S.
Here’s a compromise to extend the payroll tax cut...

Average working Americans could get screwed. Republicans may agree to extend the payroll tax cut for middle class Americans after all…just as long millionaires and billionaires don’t have to cough up a dime. Yesterday – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Republicans are on board with extending the payroll tax cut – but are opposed to the Democrats plan, which pays for it with a 3% surtax on people who make more t