Thom's blog
Why are women in Virginia getting screwed by Republicans?

More than a 1,000 people – most of whom were women – took to the streets outside the Virginia state capital on Monday – locked arm in arm and silently protested against anti-abortion legislation working it’s way through the state legislature. The bill that the women are protesting against would define a fertilized egg as a person, thus criminalizing most birth control and IVF for infertile couples – slash state aid to poor women – and requi
All across Spain workers protested in the streets last weekend, when will we see this in the US?

From Greece to the U.K. to now Spain. Hundreds of thousands of workers took to the streets in 57 cities across Spain over the weekend to protest the Conservative government’s new austerity package and labor reforms.
All across Spain workers protested in the streets last weekend, when will we see this in the US?

From Greece to the U.K.
All across Spain workers protested in the streets last weekend, when will we see this in the US?

From Greece to the U.K.
The foreclosure fraud scandal may be worse than we all think

Is the stage set for Citizens United Round Two?

Last December – the Montana State Supreme Court ignored the Citizens United ruling – and continued its ban on corporate election spending – upholding a 1912 law known as the Montana Corrupt Practices Act. According to the Act - "a corporation may not make ...
Are the Oil Barons Brainwashing your Children?

The environment is screwed. Big oil and coal want to brainwash your children. The Center for American Progress obtained a secret document produced by the Heartland Institute – a right wing, global warming-denying think tank funded by the Koch brothers – to teach children in K through 12th grade that global warming is a “major scientific controversy.”
Who will you vote for this year: Big Oil, Big Casinos, or Wall Street?

Billionaire hedge fund manager – and primary contributor to Rick Santorum’s Red, White, and Blue SuperPAC – Foster Friess let the truth slip out about politics in this post-Citizens United age during an interview with Politico. Friess was among several billionaires who attended the Koch brothers secret meeting last month where over a hundred million dollars was pledged to beat President Obama.
Trying to get other oligarchs on the sid
Are we a rapidly “undeveloping” superpower?

President Obama unveils his vision for America today in the form of a 2013 federal budget. The President calls for $3.8 trillion in spending next year – including new investments in our roads and infrastructure, education, and manufacturing sector. Also included in the budget are a yearlong extension of emergency unemployment benefits, and of the payroll tax cut holiday for 160 million working Americans.
On the deficit-reductio
Education now only for the wealthy?

Low-income children are screwed when it comes to getting a good education. New studies show that a quality education in America is now increasingly only available to the very rich. A study out of Stanford shows that the gap in standardized testing scores between rich students and low-income students has increased 40% since the 1960’s. And another study out of the University of Michigan shows that gap between rich an