Thom's blog
Will Trump Succeed in Repealing the First Amendment?

Frustrated with what it says is "biased" media coverage, the Trump administration is now openly talking about gutting the First Amendment.
They can't be serious - can they?
Trump's Socialism For The Rich

The Trump administration can't say whether or not it's tax reform will help the middle class.
For once - at least - they're being honest.
As it stands right now, the Trump tax reform is just glorified socialism for the rich.
Trump Is Going Back On His NAFTA Promise

Donald Trump won't be pulling the US out of NAFTA - at least not immediately.
But he's still permanently changed the debate about trade in America.
Donald Trump said yesterday that after speaking with the President of Mexico and the Prime Minister of Canada, he's decided not to immediately pull the US out of NAFTA.
New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It

Republicans inched closer to a deal on repealing Obamacare yesterday, as the House Freedom caucus OK'd a new version of the American Health Care Act which is actually worse than the one that couldn't pass Congress back in March.
Are We Watching The End Of A Free Press?

Just a few months after Donald Trump told us all how much he loved Wikileaks, his Justice Department wants to arrest its founder - Julian Assange.
No matter what you think about Wikileaks or Assange - this is a serious threat to the freedom of the press.
Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?

The more things change - the more they stay the same.
Just under 100 days into the Trump era, our government is once again lurching towards shutdown, and it's all because Donald Trump wants American taxpayers - not Mexico - to pay for his precious border wall.
The Bizarre Experience of Watching Cable News in America on Earth Day

Just exactly what the hell are they afraid of? Are the fossil fuel billionaires, corporations, and lobby really so strong that they can cow entire television networks and newspapers? Not to mention politicians?
How the GOP Is Going After ObamaCare Now

With House Republicans reportedly putting the finishing touches on a compromise deal, the GOP healthcare plan is officially back from the dead.
But don't get your hopes up - the new Trumpcare is just as bad as the old Trumpcare.
In fact - it might even be worse.
Proof That America is a Socialist Country Now

For years, Republicans have said that America - at its core - is a center right country.
Well - they're wrong.
It turns out that America is about as far from being a center right nation as you can get - and now we have the numbers to prove it.
DNC Unveils Unity Reform Commission

Almost a year later, the wounds of the Democratic 2016 primary are still very, very raw.
But 21 people now have a chance to change that - and make the Democratic Party more accountable in the process.