Thom's blog
Does Donald Trump want tax reform - or class warfare against working Americans?

Donald Trump is a cable news president: he just goes where the ratings are.
So after seeing the mainstream media's positive coverage of his debt ceiling deal with the Democrats, he's decided to give this whole bipartisan thing another shot.
Last night he had dinner at the White House with six lawmakers -- three Democrats and three Republicans.
Is Single-Payer Inevitable?

The list of Senators supporting Bernie's Medicare-for-all bill is growing by the day.
Is single-payer healthcare on the verge of becoming the default position of the Democratic Party?
Oregon's Jeff Merkeley, New Jersey's Cory Booker, New York's Kirsten Gillibrand and Rhode Island's Sheldon Whitehouse are officially on board the single-payer train.
Should Exxon Pay For Hurricane Destruction?

As global warming kicks into overdrive - it's high time we started executing some corporations.
A Deal with the Dems

After Tuesday's shocking debt ceiling deal with the Democrats, is Donald Trump finished with the Republican Party?
It's been more than 24 hours, but Washington pundits are still puzzling over Donald Trump's deal with Democrats to extend the debt ceiling for three months - and hand out billions in Hurricane aid - all in one fell swoop.
Republicans really just care about one thing: Making America White Again

If Republicans were honest -- which they're not -- they'd come out and admit it: when it comes right down to it, their immigration plan is really just "Make America White Again".
What's Compassionate About Kicking 800,000 Young People Out Of The One Country They've Ever Really Called Home?

Eight months into a presidency chock full of cruel and callous decisions, Donald Trump might have just made his most cruel and callous decision yet.
Protesters took the streets in Washington, DC and across the country yesterday after the Trump administration officially announced the end of DACA.
Is the American nuclear industry on its last legs?

All across the country right now, reactor projects are failing, and existing power plants are sinking deeper and deeper into the red.
All of a sudden, the so-called "energy of the future" is starting to look an awful lot like a relic.
What's going on?
How Do We End the War In Afghanistan?

Is Donald Trump aiming for victory in Afghanistan - or permanent military occupation?
Last week Donald Trump announced what he said was a major shift in US policy towards Afghanistan.
His plan is short on details, but it will almost certainly involve sending thousands more American troops to fight in an occupation that is now well into its 16th year.
Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society

In these dark days, an intergenerational warning is in order: Antifa folks, be wary. They are coming for you.
Is Bernie Sanders the only person who can stop Donald Trump from getting reelected?

If Democrats want to stop Donald Trump from getting re-elected, they have to start feeling the Bern.
Bernie Sanders is the Democrats' best hope of stopping Donald Trump from getting re-elected.