Thom's blog
Do Republicans Fundamentally Not Understand the Point of Healthcare?

Republicans have found a way to make Trumpcare even worse - and the sickest Americans are going to pay the price.
Now that they've unveiled the latest version of Trumpcare, there is no longer any doubt: Republicans fundamentally don't understand the point of healthcare.
Will the Ugly Trumpcare Pass?

As promised, Senate Republicans revealed the new version of Trumpcare yesterday.
They say it's a step forward - but is it really any better than the Medicaid-destroying tax-cut-for-the-rich-in-disguise they came out with a few weeks ago?
Even if it passes and decimates the healthcare system as we know it, has Trumpcare already made single-payer inevitable?
How To Save The Internet From Trump & His Cronies

Republicans have have always said that they're the party of liberty and freedom.
So why are they now trying to make our internet more like China's?
Would You Rather Have Healthcare Or A New F-35?

If what conservatives say is true and we're too broke to afford universal healthcare - why are we still spending trillions on useless weapons programs?
The priciest weapons program in American history is about to get even pricier.
States Rolling Back Solar Incentives As the Planet Heats Up

As the Koch brothers wage war on solar power, is it time to strip the profit out of the utility business once and for all?
The GOP’s Phony Choice on Healthcare

Congressional Republicans might not realize it, but as they try to sell their tax cut for the rich disguised as a healthcare plan, they're accidentally making the case for single-payer healthcare.
Republicans say they want to give Americans choice when it comes to healthcare.
So why don't they support single-payer?
Is Donald Trump a neo-fascist?

Is Donald Trump a neo-fascist?
Judging by the speech he gave yesterday in Poland that was straight out of a Munich beer hall circa 1933, the answer is almost certainly "yes".
It was arguably the most right-wing speech of his presidency.
This Could Seal Net Neutrality's Fate

While all eyes have been on the GOP trying to steal people's healthcare, Donald Trump has nominated a corporate telecom lawyer named Brendan Carr to serve as the FCC's third Republican commissioner.
And on a commission that only has 5 commissioners, that could mean the end of net neutrality as we know it.
Is America Past the Point of No Return?

Has corporate/billionaire control of our republic reached such a point that it's no longer reversible? Have we passed the tipping point where democracy dies?
What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...

We're 5 months in to Trump's presidency, and he's just as vicious and vulgar as ever.
Is Trump's latest tweet storm proof that he'll never have the temperament to perform the duties of President?